Publications and Academic Contributions
Publications and Academic Contributions
What has “Common-Good HRM” contributed?
Our “Common-Good HRM” project is new and on-going but to date we have made the following academic contributions:
Journal articles.
Aust, I., Matthews, B., & Muller-Camen, M. (2020).
Common Good HRM: A paradigm shift in Sustainable HRM?. Human Resource Management
Review, 30(3), 100705.
Book Chapters.
Matthews, B., Obereder, L., Aust, I., & Müller-Camen, M. (2018).
Competing paradigms: Status quo and alternative approaches in HRM. In Contemporary Developments in Green Human Resource Management Research (pp. 116-134). Routledge.
Müller-Camen, M., Weibler, J., Matthews, B., & Riess, C. (2019).
Transformationen im Personalmanagement: Die Beispiele Sonnentor und Tele Haase. In Chancen und Grenzen der Nachhaltigkeitstransformation (pp. 79-93). Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden.
Conference papers.
Brian Matthews and Michael Müller-Camen (2022).
Workplace Resonance and Common-Good HRM. Introducing a relational,
socio-ontological framework. Presented at WK Personal Berlin, September 2022. “Best Paper
Award” First presented at SASE 2021, under the title: HRM: on a sustainable path or a cul-de-sac? Introducing a critical, socio-ontological perspective.
Matthews Brian (2023).
Decent Work in Digital-Capitalism. Overcoming asymmetries of stakeholder-voice through Common-Good HRM. First presented at the Early Scholar Workshop JKU 2020, under the title: Digitalization, Flexibilization and Decent Work. The implications for Human Resource Management. Revised version accepted for presentation at The International Labour Process Conference Glasgow April 2023.
Matthews, B., & Muller-Camen, M. (2022).
Employee Capabilities, Workplace Resonance, and Common-Good HRM. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2022, No. 1, p. 13376). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
Ina Aust, Michael Muller-Camen, Brian Matthews (2019).
The Path to True Sustainability in HRM: Introduction of a Typology. Presented at the 34th Workshop for Strategic Human Resource Management-European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Vienna.
Special issues.
German Journal of Human Resource Management Special Issue call for papers Achieving Sustainable Development Goals through a Common-Good HRM: Context, approach and practice Guest Editors: Ina Aust, Université Catholique de Louvain LSM, Belgium. Fang Lee Cooke, Monash University, Australia. Michael Muller-Camen, WU-Vienna, Austria. Geoffrey Wood, Western University, Canada.
Organized Conferences, Workshops.
“Striving for Impact: Sustainable HRM for the Common-Good” Workshop 2023, hosted by the WU Wien, Austria and UCLouvain Belgium, 14-15.03, 2023, Vienna.
Research Collaborations.
Research co-operation between the WU-Institute for Human Resource Management, Vienna (Brian Matthews), and the Human Resource Management & Employment Relations Research Team at the University of Innsbruck (Julia Brandl, Leverne Iminza Chore),to explore synergies, similarities and differences between the concepts of Common-Good HRM and The Economics of Convention.