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Shaikh, Matthew

Shaikh, Matthew, MSc (WU)

Shaikh, Matthew, MSc (WU)

Matthew Shaikh is a Teaching and Research Associate and PhD candidate using quantitative research methods. After reading physics at Manchester University and working for many years in the non-profit sector in London, Madrid and Vienna, he successfully completed the Socio-Ecological Economics and Policy masters programme at WU and studied Economics and Development at London School of Economics. His PhD dissertation examines inequality in mortality and health in the UK, with a focus on deprived areas and deindustrialization. Research interests include socio-economic inequality, poverty and deprivation, and international development. Additionally he teaches quantitative methodological courses at the WU, currently teaching in the Introduction to Empirical Social Research and the Methods of Empirical Social Research courses.

Research interests

  • Socio-economic inequality

  • Poverty and deprivation

  • International development


Neumayer, E., Plümper, T., & Shaikh, M. (2021). The logics of COVID-19 travel restrictions between European countries. Social Science Quarterly, 102(5), 2134–2154. https://doi.org/10.1111/ssqu.13016

Room D4.3.058
