Tobias Polzer
Dr. Tobias Polzer
Biographical sketch
Tobias Polzer is assistant professor at the Institute for Organization Studies at WU Vienna. He received a PhD in Public Management from WU. Tobias was previously employed at Queen's University Belfast, the University of Essex and the University of Sussex. He was visiting researcher at UNSW Sydney (Australia), Rutgers University (USA) and the University of Queensland (Australia). In 2021, he was visiting professor at the University of Macerata (Italy).
Tobias is Editorial Board Member of European Management Journal (EMR), Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management (JPBAFM), International Journal of Public Sector Management (IJPSM) and Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies (JAEE).
Research interests
Tobias’ research interests include reforms in the public sector in the areas of digitalization, public governance, public financial management and public procurement. His PhD thesis has been published by Springer (2019). He has published in Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Public Management Review, Urban Studies, Critical Perspectives on Accounting and Abacus, among others. A co-edited volume ('“Joined-up” local governments? Restructuring and reorganising internal management', published in 2017) provides an empirical account of how initiatives for joining up manifest in local governments in several European countries. He will be a guest editor of a Special Issue on NGO performance, governance and accountability in the era of digitalisation in British Accounting Review.
Selected publications
Melo, Sara, De Waele, Lode, Polzer, Tobias. 2022. The role of Post-New Public Management in shaping innovation: The case of a public hospital. International Review of Administrative Sciences. 88 (4), 1032-1049.
Polzer, Tobias, Grossi, Giuseppe, Reichard, Christoph. 2022. Implementation of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards in Europe. Variations on a global theme. Accounting Forum. 46 (1), 57-82.
Leixnering, Stephan, Meyer, Renate, Polzer, Tobias. 2021. Hybrid coordination of city organizations: The rule of people and culture in the shadow of structures. Urban Studies. 58 (14), 2933-2951.
Polzer, Tobias, Nolte, Isabella M., Seiwald, Johann. 2021. Gender budgeting in Public Financial Management: A literature review and research agenda. International Review of Administrative Sciences.
Hyndman, Noel, Liguori, Mariannunziata, Meyer, Renate, Polzer, Tobias, Seiwald, Johann, Steccolini, Ileana. 2019. Justifying public-sector accounting change from the inside: Ex-post reflections from three countries. Abacus. 55 (3), 582-609.
Hyndman, Noel, Liguori, Mariannunziata, Meyer, Renate, Polzer, Tobias, Rota, Silvia, Seiwald, Johann, Steccolini, Ileana. 2018. Legitimating change in the public sector: The introduction of (rational?) accounting practices in the United Kingdom, Italy and Austria. Public Management Review. 20 (9), 1374-1399.
Polzer, Tobias, Meyer, Renate, Höllerer, Markus, Seiwald, Johann. 2016. Institutional hybridity in public sector reform: Replacement, blending, or layering of administrative paradigms. Research in the Sociology of Organizations 48B, 69-99.
Research and publications
A comprehensive list of research projects in which Tobias Polzer is involved as well as a list of his publications can be found in the PURE documentation.
SBWL Organisation: Vertiefungskurs 2 - Verhalten in Organisationen
Standards wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens und Zitierens
Management: Einführung in das Management
Management: Organizational Governance und Corporate Communication
Management: Masterarbeit Coaching
Management: Masterarbeit Defensio
Digital Economy: Transformative Management
Research Seminar Department of Management
Tobias Polzer is open to supervise dissertation projects in the areas of digitalization in the public sector, public governance, public financial management and public procurement, with a focus on contemporary reform endeavours.