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Gernot Grabher is visiting the Institute for Organization Studies


We are very pleased to announce that Gernot Grabher will be visiting the Institute for Organization Studies from December 2nd to December 3rd. Gernot Grabher is Full Professor of Urban and Regional Economics at HafenCity University Hamburg, Germany and has held previous positions at the University of Bonn, King’s College London, and the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB).

His research interests include the economic geography and economic sociology of networks, collaborative innovation, as well as organizational and regional adaptability. His most recent research projects are concerned with (large-scale) project organization and organized creativity in relation to uncertainty aspects. Apart from publishing in leading scholarly journals such as Regional Studies, Economic Geography, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and Organization Studies, among others, he has authored several influential books such as ‘Networks’ (with W.W. Powell, 2013), ‘Restructuring Networks in Post-Socialism: Legacies, Linkages, and Localities’ (with D. Stark, 1997), or ‘The Embedded Firm: On the Socioeconomics of Industrial Networks’ (1993).”

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