[Translate to English:] NPO-Institut (Verein)

Welcome to npoAustria!

The work of npoAustria is about connecting practitioners with each other as well as with scientists, to share best practice, collect information about NPOs and data to be used in research.  

npoAustria House

There are a lot of information sources, tools and forums out there, but most of the content is not relevant to the world of NPOs. We are here to make your life easier by sorting through it all and making sure that you have practical access to what you need, can use and benefit from.
Our offering:

  • Methodical and scientific support for your work

  • Tailor-made solutions for your individual topics

  • Networking and Information: npoAustria brings you together with representatives of other NPOs and provides you with the latest information and research results.

  • Continuing Education: npoAustria offers a variety of events to better prepare Austrian NPOs for the challenges of the tertiary sector.

  • Project Support: We accompany you in your projects by supporting you during implementation and helping you to find solutions. Thanks to our large pool of experts, we can provide specialist knowledge and support quickly.

  • Service: Our extensive range of services create added value for our customers and members. The portfolio ranges from reading tips with selected specialist literature to student projects that specifically support our members.

  • Research partners: We support the researchers at the Institute for Nonprofit Management and at the NPO Competence Center, the largest and most powerful hub for nonprofit research in Europe, through the dissemination of research results and via joint projects.

Dr.in Doris Schober

Dr.in Doris Schober

Managing Director

Mag.a Eva More-Hollerweger

Mag.a Eva More-Hollerweger
