Im Sprachlernzentrum nimmt eine Studierende ein französisches Wörterbuch aus dem Regal

Preparing for the GMAT

The Language Resource Center offers a wide range of materials aimed specifically at students preparing for the GMAT and other certificates. Several copies are available of all test preparation books, which can be found on bookshelf #1 in the section “Language Proficiency Tests” (“Sprachzertifikate”). All books can be borrowed.

Since you will most likely need a good command of English throughout your entire career, it is advisable to practice on a regular basis. Participating in the Tandem Program is an excellent way to enhance and fine-tune your language skills. The program is free of charge and open each semester to WU students and incoming exchange students.

Our helpdesk team will be happy to answer any further questions you may have. Good luck preparing for the GMAT!

About the GMAT


Preparing for the GMAT


Suggestions for Learning English

Materials at the Language Resource Center