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LawGov’s Birgit Hollaus discusses major case law developments at Environmental Law Days


The 2024 Environmental Law Days on the topic of “The Responsibility of Companies and Public Authorities in the Climate and Biodiversity Crisis” took place from 25 September to 26 September at JKU Linz.

The 2024 Environmental Law Days on the topic of “The Responsibility of Companies and Public Authorities in the Climate and Biodiversity Crisis” took place from 25 September to 26 September at JKU Linz. Together with Prof. Wilhelm Bergthaler, Birgit Hollaus reported on the key developments in environmental case law over the past year. In addition to the ECtHR’s KlimaSeniorinnen judgement, the report also focused on decisions of national courts, in particular the Constitutional Court, on questions of access to justice in environmental matters.

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