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LawGov’s Birgit Hollaus discusses legal requirements regarding incomplete science at EELF 2024


LawGov’s Birgit Hollaus participated in the 11th Annual Conference of the European Environmental Law Forum (EELF).

LawGov’s Birgit Hollaus participated in the 11th Annual Conference of the European Environmental Law Forum (EELF), held from 28 to 30 August 2024 at the University of Groningen and the Groningen Centre of Energy Law and Sustainability (GCELS). Birgit contributed to the conference with a presentation on the multi-level legal framework for the handling of incomplete science in legislative efforts. Using the EU’s attempt to address indirect land use change (ILUC) emissions associated with crop-based biofuels as an illustrative case, she showed how different legal regimes (EU law, WTO law), and their interactions create different rooms for manoeuvre for EU policymakers.

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