Außenansicht der Executive Academy

Bachelor thesis supervision

Application for bachelor thesis supervision at ISM

If you want to apply for a bachelor thesis supervision at our institute please do the following:

  • fill out the form and select topics that you are interested in (you can also suggest other topics not listed)

  • upload your CV

  • upload a motivation letter (e.g. why you would like to write your thesis at ISM, why you would like to write your thesis on the topic)

  • upload a transcript of your grades

  • upload your GPA certificate

You are strongly advised to read our bachelor thesis guide prior to applying for a supervision. Please note that the successful completion of the course "Grundlagen wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens"/"Academic Research Techniques" constitutes a prerequisite for applying for a bachelor thesis supervision. Furthermore, applicants preferrably have attended a specialization offered by one of the Institutes of the Department of Strategy and Innovation (e.g. "International Strategic Management 1" and "International Strategic Management 2" of the "Cross Functional Management" specialization).

If you encounter technical issues with this form please contact

Based on your consent, we are processing data for the purpose of supervising and examining your thesis at the Institute for Strategic Management, which would not otherwise be possible and is a part of the implementation and enforcement of study regulations. After supervision / examination, the data will be stored as long as it may be required as evidence. For more information on your rights as a data subject, please see the WU Privacy Policy at If you have any questions about data protection at WU, please contact WU’s Data Protection Officer at WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business), Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Vienna, Austria.

* Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).