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Bachelor Specialization (SBWL): Digital Marketing

Video Digital Marketing WU

Digital Marketing WU

Specialization program in Digital…

SBWL logo

Information technology and interactive online media continuously transform major aspects of our society and challenge a dynamic marketing landscape. Search engines and social networks have changed the way customers collect information, how they communicate, and how they make purchase decisions. All these changes dramatically affect the advertising industry and require marketers to manage customer engagement with their brands across multiple (online and offline) touchpoints. Our specialization (SBWL) in Digital Marketing recognizes these developments and helps students to acquire the necessary skills in marketing research and business analytics to successfully make marketing decisions in such dynamic and technology-driven business environments.

Starting in the winter semester 2022/23, our specialization “Digital Marketing” will also be available for BBE program students. To learn more about our specialization, click here for the most recent presentation at WU's "SBWL Messe" and watch our brand-new image video to get an exciting insight into the SBWL Digital Marketing!

Wait: Stay tuned and don’t forget to join our LinkedIn group! There, we post job offers, news, and digital marketing-related content. It’s a growing community of currently enrolled students and graduates, designed to help you keep in touch and to provide great opportunities for networking.

Why choose Digital Marketing? - Our values are your benefits

What qualifies our students? - Our expectations

What’s next for digital marketers? - Your career perspectives