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Archive of News WURSS

New opening for a prae doc position

We have a new opening for a prae doc position in the area of interactive marketing & social media. You have a quantitative background and like to play around with big data? Apply here! [Download]

Julia Gföller for Office Management

We would like to welcome Julia Gföller, who takes over office management at IMSM. More information will be available soon. 

Prof. Dr. Franziska Völckner is looking for a research & teaching assistant.

Prof. Dr. Franziska Völckner (Lehrstuhl für Marketing und Markenmanagement at University of Cologne) is looking for a research & teaching assistant. [More information]

Nadia Abou Nabout appointed as Professor of Interactive Marketing & Social Media

Nadia Abou Nabout has been appointed as Professor of Interactive Marketing & Social Media at WU Wien, Vienna University of Economics and Business.