Das TC Gebäude bei Nacht.


SBWL Registration Winter Term 2015/16

Come and join the SBWL Information Management and Control in Winter 2015/16. We offer: - Advanced management abilities and a well-founded, business-related common body of IT-knowledge. - Skills…

Co-Organization of CONF-IRM 2016

Once again, the Institute for Information Management and Control is co-organizing the International Conference on Information Resources Management (CONF-IRM). For the 2016 edition we are providing the…

Country Ambassador for ECIS 2016

Prof. Bernroider is serving as the Ambassador for Austria for the next edition of ECIS, Europe's most prestigeous Informations Systems conference. We therefore in particular invite our graduate…

Call for Papers - HICSS-49 2016

We would like to invite you to submit your work to the following conference mini-track co-organized by our institute: Global, International, and Cross-Cultural Issues in Information Systems …

SBWL Practitioner Talk 2015

On a regular basis, our institute hosts Practitioner Talks followed by an informal Get-Together for which we in particular invite students attending our SBWL. In SS 2015, two experienced guest…