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Thomas Lindner

Thomas Lindner

Univ. Prof. Thomas Lindner, PhD

Office: D1.3.068
Office Hours: by appointment

Phone: +43-1-31336-4368
Fax: +43-1-31336-90-4368


Position at IIB, other positions and academic career

Thomas is a professor for international management at University of Innsbruck, and holds a visiting position at IIB. Before joining Innsbruck, Thomas was an Assistant Professor at IIB from September 2016 until April 2021. He earned his PhD at WU with a dissertation on international finance. Thomas also holds an MSc and a CEMS MIM in international management as well as a BSc in economics and social sciences and a BSc in physics. In 2018, Thomas was a visiting professor at NYU Stern and he has been a part-time lecturer at the Copenhagen Business School since 2017. In his classes, he teaches strategy, international finance, research methods, and data science with applications in R and Python. In his third-party funded work, Thomas connects energy efficiency measures to innovative financing methods, and develops inquiry-based teaching methods for physics education. Outside of university, he is engaged in several NGOs working on political and science education. Thomas’ research and teaching were, among others, awarded the Copenhagen Business School Prize, the Douglas Nigh Award, the Stephan Koren-Prize, the Emerald/EFMD Award, and the CEMS Best International Business Project Award.

Research interest

Thomas’ research covers strategy, international finance and research methods. In strategy, Thomas investigates the interaction between government policy and firm strategy, post-internationalization behavior of firms, and organizational responses to liabilities of foreignness. His research in international finance deals with capital structure in international firms, valuation of cross-border bond issues, and project finance. Thomas also works on research methods for international business and applications of artificial intelligence in multinational companies. His research has been published in the Academy of Management Journal, International Business Review, Journal of International Business Policy, Journal of International Business Studies, and the Journal of International Management.