Das TC Gebäude bei Nacht.


Assoc.Prof. Dr. Mag. Daniel Hausknost


Research interests: democracy and sustainability; societal transformations, theories of the state, political and social movements

Contact: daniel.hausknost@wu.ac.at


PD Dr. Veith Selk

Deputy Head

Research interests: democracy and democratic theory, political theory, intellectual history and the history of political thought, populism, political and social change, political ecology, sustainability.

Contact: veith.selk@wu.ac.at

Univ. Prof. Dr. Ingolfur Blühdorn

Research interests: social change, sustainability, social movements, emancipatory politics, social and democratic theory

Contact: ingolfur.bluehdorn@wu.ac.at

Foto Sarah Kessler

Dr. Sarah Kessler

Research interests: climate cultures, social theory, social movements, societal change, environmental sociology, sustainability research, practice theory, science communication and digital ethnography

Contact: sarah.kessler@wu.ac.at

Mag. Mirijam Mock

Research interests: social practice theory, sharing economy, sustainable consumption, theories of modern societies

Contact: mirijam.mock@wu.ac.at

Hauke Dannemann, MSc

Research interests: environmental sociology and politics, critical social theory, socio-ecological transformation, emancipation and far-right social movements

Contact: hauke.dannemann@wu.ac.at


Georg Diezi, MSc

Research interests: social theory, social change, political sociology, theories of the state, democracy and sustainability, democracy and artificial intelligence, social constructivism, systems theory

Contact: georg.diezi@wu.ac.at

Karoline Kalke, MSc

Research interests: political sociology, subject theory, autonomy, emancipation, digitization, socio-ecological transformation.

Contact: karoline.kalke@wu.ac.at

Former Employees

[Translate to English:] KW

Katharina Wankat, MSc.

Project Assistant (FWF Project "Urbane Experimente für eine sozial-ökologische Transformation")

Dr. Mag. Felix Butzlaff

Research interests: democratic research, actual and historical development of societies; parties, and party systems, citizen demonstrations.

Michael Deflorian, MA

Research interests: Lifestyle Movements, Prefigurative Politics, Sustainable Consumption, Post-Growth Societies, Theories of Modern Society

Foto Haderer
Dr. Mag. Margaret Haderer, MA

Research interests: social transformation(s), urban space, political ideologies, local politics, political theory, social theory, spatial theory

Leonie Bleiker, MSc

Research interests: normative foundations of transformation research, politicization of the climate discourse, environmental ethics, societal relations to nature

Master’s program Socioeconomics

Katharina Wick

Dr. Katharina Wick

Coordinator of the Master’s Programme in Socioeconomics

Contact: mastersozoek@wu.ac.at


Noah Schüle

Master Student Guide

Contact: noah.schuele@wu.ac.at


Raphaela Kordovsky, BA

Tutor for Applied Socioeconomic Theories and Methods 

Contact: raphaela.kordovsky@wu.ac.at