Die Stiege zum ersten Obergeschoss des D3 Gebäudes.

Institute for Strategy and Managerial AccountingRSS

De­part­ment of Stra­tegy and In­nov­a­tion


New Assistant at IfU

Since 15. July our team has grown by a further colleague.

[Translate to English:] ermac

That was ERMAC 2021

Many thanks to all participants & coaches for a creative online conference. We hope to see you again next year!


New Publication

Isabella Grabner from IfU and Melissa Martin (University of Illinois) have investigated the effects of pay dispersion, i.e. the variation between salaries

[Translate to English:] martin preis

CFO Club Thesis Award

Martin Wiernsperger & Joseph Steinkellner got the CFO Club Thesis Award We congratulate very much!!!

[Translate to English:] theses

bachelor/master thesis

In cooperation with a consulting firm we would like to announce the following topics for bachelor/master’s theses:

[Translate to English:] TMarkus

WU Excellent Teaching Award 2021

Markus Wabnegg was awarded this coveted prize! We congratulate very much!!!

[Translate to English:] Eschenbach

90. Birthday

Rolf Eschenbach feiert heute seinen 90. Geburtstag - wir gratulieren sehr herzlich!!

[Translate to English:] writing

New Publication at IfU

Isabella Grabner, Alexander Brüggen and Karen Sedatole have published an article in Strategic Finance about their research on demand forecasting in organizational planning.

[Translate to English:] IfU insight

SBWL fair ...

Every WU student has to make a big decision: Which SBWL is right for me? What interests me? What can I do? How do I get into the SBWL?

[Translate to English:] writing

New Publication Kurier

New contribution by Isabella Grabner in Kurier: Promoting female executives in the boardroom

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