Research Seminars
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Next Researcher, 24.04.2025
Date | Speaker | Title of Presentation |
23.04.2026 10:30 | Wei Cai Columbia Business School | TBA |
20.11.2025 10:30 | Anne Farrell Miami University | TBA |
09.10.2025 10:30 | Martin Artz University of Münster | TBA |
11.09.2025 10:30 | Melissa Martin University of Chicago | TBA |
TBA | Brian Cadman University of Utah | TBA |
24.04.2025 10:30 | Matthias Mahlendorf Frankfurt School | TBA |
13.03.2025 10:30 | Dirk Sliwka Cologne University | Shaping Habits in Organizations - A Field Experiment |
24.10.2024 13:00 | Evelyn Braumann Vrije Universteit Amsterdam | The effect of enterprise risk management on incentive provision under uncertainty |
21.03.2024 11:00 | Francesca Franco Bocconi University | Executive Bonus Adjustments to Industry Non-Financial Violations |
25.01.2024 11:00 | André Hoppe KU Leuven | Turning Fixed Costs into Allies – Embracing the Power of Cost Rigidity in Negotiations |
14.12.2023 11:00 | Katlijn Haesebrouck Maastricht University | The impact of malevolent personality on wasting company resources: Escalation of commitment and Dark Triad personality |
21.09.2023 11:00 | Thomas Keusch INSEAD | Corporate Greenwashing: Evidence from NGO Campaigns. |
18.04.2023 11:00 | Jeremy Bentley University of Massachusetts | Can’t dig out of a hole: The effect of deviations from time budgets on perceptions of performance quality |
07.03.2023 11:00 | Karen Sedatole Emory University | Driving Fluid Teams’ Performance: Evidence from Operating Room Turnover |
06.12.2022 10:30 | Laurence Van Lent Frankfurt School of Finance & Mgmt | The value of reading people: Evidence from financial analysts |
18.10.2022 11:00 | Marc Wouters Karlsruher Institute for Technology | Empirical evidence on cost reduction performance with target costing during product development |
05.07.2022 10:30 | Laura Wang University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | The Effect of Discretionary Controls on Voluntary Employee Efforts in Nonprofit Organizations |
02.06.2022 10:30 | Steve Kachelmeier University of Texas at Austin | Do Performance-Contingent Incentives Help or Hinder Divergent Thinking? |
19.05.2022 10:30 | Stephan Kramer Rotterdam School of Mgmt, Erasmus Uni | Disturbing the Quiet Life? Competition and Performance Target Difficulty |
28.04.2022 10:30 | Alexandra van den Abbeele KU Leuven | “Let Me Recognize You for Your Advice”: Peer Recognition Design to Reduce Feelings of Indebtedness Associated with Seeking Advice. |
31.03.2022 10:30 | Sebastian Firk University of Groningen | Walking a tightrope: CEO emphasis on digital transformation and career risk |
14.12.2021 10:30 | Stephan Kramer Rotterdam School of Mgmt, Erasmus Uni | postponed |
25.11.2021 10:30 | Sofia Lourenco ISEG Lisbon School of Economics & Mgmt | postponed |
17.06.2021 10:45 | Eddy Cardinaels Tilburg University | Steering Through the Fog: How Color Coding Improves Decision Making in Noisy Environments |
20.05.2021 15:30 | Melissa Martin University of Illinois - Chicago | The weight on earnings in incentive contracting: dynamic response or status quo? |
29.04.2021 10:45 | Henri Dekker Vrije Universteit Amsterdam | Working Apart Together: How Management Information Quality supports Forced Working From Home after the COVID-19 Disruption |
15.12.2020 11:00 | Katlijn Haesebrouck Maastricht University | The ripple effect: How managers’ affective reactions to manager-level controls have a contagious impact on subordinates |
26.11.2020 10:45 | Daniel Schaupp WHU | The Performance Effect of Real-Time Feedback: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment |
29.10.2020 13:30 | Markus Arnold Universität Bern | The Effect of Past Performance and Task Type on Managers’ Target Setting Decisions: An Experimental Investigation |
08.10.2020 10:45 | Alfred Wagenhofer Universität Graz | Optimal Internal Control Regulation: Standards,Penalties, and Leniency in Enforcement |
30.04.2020 10:00 | Stephan Kramer Rotterdam School of Mgmt, Erasmus Uni | cancelled |
26.03.2020 10:45 | Eddy Cardinaels Tilburg University | cancelled |
19.03.2020 09:30 | Tobias Johansson Örebro University School of Business | Does group identification cultivate competitive orientations and cynicism among performance evaluated academics? |
05.03.2020 13:30 | Martin Quinn Queen's University Belfast | Domestic waste policy in Ireland - economization and the role of accounting |
22.01.2020 09:30 | Markus Wabnegg WU Vienna | Performance Evaluation in R&D-Dependent Organizations |
28.11.2019 11:30 | Arthur Posch University of Bern | The Use and Effects of Accountability and Delegation in Healthcare: Substitutes or Complements? |
05.11.2019 10:00 | Nicole Sutton University of Technology Sydney | Interactive control and the role of meetings in the development of emergent strategy |
17.10.2019 08:45 | Otto Janschek WU Vienna | Design Choices of Enterprise Risk Management Practices in Non-Financial Firms – Packages or Systems? |