Die Stiege zum ersten Obergeschoss des D3 Gebäudes.

IfU Team


Academic staff

Assoz.Prof. PD Dr. Christoph Feichter

Christoph Feichter

Associate Professor
Univ.Prof. Dr.rer.soc.oec. Isabella Grabner

Isabella Grabner

Institute for Strategy and Managerial Accounting
Florian Loizl, MSc, MIM, BA

Florian Loizl

Research and Teaching Associate (Prae Doc)
Dr. Daniel Schaupp

Daniel Schaupp

Assistant Professor
Tanja Schiffner, M.Sc.

Tanja Schiffner

Research and Teaching Associate (Prae Doc)
Univ.Prof. Dipl.Math.-oec.Dr.rer.pol. Gerhard Speckbacher

Gerhard Speckbacher

Institute for Strategy and Managerial Accounting, Department of Strategy and Innovation

Administrative Staff

Susanne Aigner

Susanne Aigner

Starting@WU-First Year Communities / Center of Excellence

Fachoberinspektorin Karin Zemanek

Karin Zemanek

Unternehmensführung / Strategy & Managerial Accounting