Außenansicht der oberen Stockwerke der Executive Academy

Bachelor and Master Thesis at IfSTO

The IfSTO team is happy to supervise your bachelor´s or master´s thesis. You can find current topics for a thesis, information about the process and necessary forms on this page.

If your topic has innovation at the core of the research question, it will constitute a good fit with the institute. The research focus of the institute revolves around Open and User Innovation and we particularly welcome theses in this field. It is, however, not a must. Specifically, we are interested in the following topics:

  • The Role of Influencers for the Diffusion of Innovation

  • The Role of AI for Innovation

  • New Organizational Forms for Innovation

  • Behavioral and Technique Innovation

Below you will find a list of current topics (topics marked with a Bachelor are for bachelor theses, with an Master for master theses only and Bachelor / Master for both bachelor and master theses). Besides these topics, feel free to come up with your on suggestions! If you have alternative topics with innovations at their core or other topics that relate to our research interests, feel free to contact at us. 

Currently offered bachelor's and master's theses:

[Master] The Role of Influencers for the Diffusion of Innovation

[Master] The Gender Data Gap in Managerial Science

[Master] The Impact of Precarity on the Gender Gap in Management

[Master] How can Digital Technologies Support Sustainable Business Models?

[Master] The External Perception of Entrepreneurial Success

[Bachelor] Organizational Idea Generation – Why Do (Good) Innovative Ideas Fail?

[Bachelor] Knowledge Transfer for Innovations via Network Ties: How Do Managerial Levels Differ?

[Bachelor/Master] The Gender Data Gap: How Will Artificial Intelligence Impact Missing Data?

[Bachelor] What makes social movements successful, and what does that mean?

The further process

The further process

For your support, we have prepared further information on the process and helpful information in the bachelor thesis or master thesis guide. Here, you will also be able to find the registration forms required for the official registration of your thesis.

If you are interested in writing a thesis at our institute, please feel free to contact the potential thesis supervisor from the subject area you are interested in. The best way is to write an email describing your interest in a particular topic or the topic/issue you would like to explore.

Bachelor Thesis (current version, February 2025)

Anmeldeformular Bachelorarbeit
Anmeldeformular Bachelorarbeit

Master Thesis (current version, February 2025)
