International Association of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management
This association was formed to establish a network of researchers and practitioners interested in and concerned with cross-cultural subjects.
The International Association of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management is an academic forum for experts in all fields of research who take an interest in and are concerned with cross-cultural topics. The project was initiated by the International Studies Centre at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration. The IACCM network is designed to offer its participants the opportunity to provide information and exchange views, thereby facilitating and intensifying international co-operation. Regularly organized conferences and the publication of a refereed journal (JCCM) revised by an international editorial board shall guarantee additional information exchange at a high academic level.
The overall intention of this association is to develop well-founded explanations for the cross-cultural factors that show growing importance in an increasingly internationalized world, which will help to establish cross-cultural competence and management as a widely recognized field of research.
General aspects of the association
The importance of intercultural co-operation gets crucial in a world of globalization beyond continuous internationalization of production and markets. In addition to management capabilities intercultural competence of managers is ever more important, both being key qualities for optimal cross-border allocation.
The aims of the association
Setting up an international network of experts in the field of cross-cultural competence opens the possibility for co-ordinated know-how transfer and aims at bringing together those who work on this issue in order to promote and develop this subject collectively. The emphasis is laid on the organization of international workshops and conferences which will be favourable for cross-border activities among the experts and will lead to new links between them as well as to the creation of common research projects.
Furthermore, the association aims to facilitating the submission of project proposals, on the one side because the network facilitates finding suitable project partners, on the other because the existence of a consolidated network will be an encouraging argument with respect to research funds.
Formation of the association
Members of the Council (click here)
President Prof. Chiara Cannavale, Università degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope/Italy
Vice-President Prof. Dr. Henriett Primecz, Corvinus University/Hungary
Vice-President Prof. Slawomir Magala, Rotterdam School of Management/Netherlands
Secretary General Sina Grosskopf, University of Passau/Germany
Treasurer Dr. Carolin Debray, University of Basel/Switzerland
Regular Council Members:
Prof. Roger Bell
Prof. Dr. Marie Therese Claes
Dr. Daniel Dauber
Dr. Carolin Debray
Lorenza Claudio
Grant Douglas
Dr. Christiane Erten
Sina Grosskopf, MA
Dr. Atila Karabag
Prof. Dr. Renate Link
Prof. Dr. Fabrizio Maimone
Prof. Dr. Bice della Piana
Prof. Dr. Henriett Primecz
Dr. Senem Yazici
Editorial Board & the Journal (European Journal of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management)
A number of well-respected scholars in the field of cross-cultural competence and management and its founding and supporting sciences are serving on the Editorial Board of IACCM and as reviewers and advisors for IACCMs scholarly publication - the European Journal of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management (EJCCM). EJCCM is a 2008 relaunch of the former International Journal of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management. Editorial Board Members and the scope of the journal can be found at the publishing house´s website: Inderscience Publishers