Die Erholunsgzone vor dem D4 Gebäude über dem Brunnen.


Defensio Dissertationis of Nikolas Kuschnig
PhD Candidate Nikolas Kuschnig

July 2024 On Tuesday, July 9 at 17:00, the Defensio Dissertationis of Nikolas Kuschnig will take place in the department seminar room, D4.2.008.

Nikolas Kuschnig will present his research on the topic „Essays on Econometric Methods for Issues in Environmental Economics“.

Doctoral Committee: Jesus Crespo Cuaresma (WU), Bryan Graham (UC Berkeley), Angelo Mele (JH Carey Business School)

Defensio Dissertationis of Melanie Gräser
PhD candidate Melanie Gräser

June 2024 Our PhD Candidate Melanie Gräser will present her research on the topic of „Essays in Development Economics“ on Friday, July 5th, 15:00.

The presentation will take place in the seminar room, D4.2.008.

Doctoral Comittee: Ingrid Kubin (WU), Joachim Becker (WU), Peter Brummund (University of Alabama)

Philipp Poyntner won the Hanns Abele Prize!

May 2024 - Congratulations to Philipp Poyntner, for being the winner of the Hanns Abele Prize 2024! The prize, sponsored by the Abele family, for the best dissertation on the topic "scientific foundation of economic policy" was awarded to Philipp Poyntner, PhD  for his thesis "Essays on monetary policy".

Defensio Dissertationis of Severin Rapp
PhD Candidate Severin Rapp

May 2024 - We are happy to announce that our PhD Candidate Severin Rapp will present his research on the topic of "Perspectives on the distribution of wealth - concepts, data and perceptions" on Wednesday, May 29th, 2024 at 10:30. The presentation will take place in the seminar room, D4.1.001.

Doctoral Comittee: Wilfried Altzinger (WU); Jesus Crespo-Cuaresma (WU); Maximilian Kasy (University of Oxford).

New article by our PhD Candidate Lukas Vashold

April 2024: PhD candidate Lukas Vashold together with Prof. Jesús Crespo Cuaresma published the article"A unified modelling framework for projecting sectoral greenhouse gas emissions" in Communications Earth & Environment (Open Access via https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-024-01288-9). In the paper, the authors use a coherent modelling framework to project greenhouse gas emissions for 173 countries and five main sectors up until 2050 under a business-as-usual scenario.

These projections add to the toolkit available to policy-makers and researcher confronting the challenge posed by climate change, as is exemplified by comparisons with forecasts of countries submitted as part of their climate pledges as well as with trajectories derived from models intensely used in the climate science community.

Part of the research is featured on the World Emissions Clock, an online tool created in cooperation with the World Data Lab in order to visualize the data in an accessible manner and provide it to the broader public. Read the related WU press release here as well as a brief blog at Springer Nature Behind the Paper here.

Greenhouse gas emissions by sector and world region in 2050

Greenhouse gas emissions by sector and world region in 2050

© Vashold & Crespo Cuaresma, 2024
Defensio Dissertationis of Elisabeth Wurm
PhD Candidate Elisabeth Wurm

April 2024 - We are happy to announce that our PhD Candidate Elisabeth Wurm will present her research on the topic of "Essays in Labor Economics” on Friday, April 19, 2024 at 10:00. The presentation will take place in the department seminar room D4.2.008.

Doctoral Committee: Andrea Weber (CEU), Esther Arenas-Arroyo (WU), Melis Kartal (WU).

Defensio Dissertationis of Oscar Fernandez
PhD Candidate Oscar Fernandez

March 2024 - Our PhD Candidate Oscar Fernandez will present his research on the topic of "Essays in Quantitative Macroeconomics and Green Finance" on Friday, March 15th, 2024 at 11:00. The presentation will take place in the department seminar room, D4.2.008.

Doctoral Comittee: Jesus Crespo Cuaresma (WU), Katrin Rabitsch (WU), Martin Feldkircher (Vienna School of International Studies).

Apply now for the PhD Economics Programm 2024!

Application for the PhD Economics Programm for the academic year 24/25 is possible now. WU is offering up to five PhD positions in Economics. For all details on the positions and how to apply please have a look at the job opening.

Application deadline is March 29th, 2024

Defensio Dissertationis of Anna Schwarz
PhD Candidate Anna Schwarz

Nov. 2023 - Our PhD Candidate Anna Schwarz will present her research on the topic of "Essays in Public Economics" on Friday, December 15th, 2023 at 09:00. The presentation will take place in the department seminar room, D4.2.008.

Doctoral Comittee: Melis Kartal (WU), Rupert Sausgruber (WU), Rudi Winter-Ebmer (JKU).

Defensio Dissertationis of Pia Heckl
PhD Candidate Pia Heckl

Nov. 2023 - Our PhD Candidate Pia Heckl will present her research on the topic „Essays on Gender in the Labor Market" on Friday, November 24th, 2023 at 11:00. The presentation will take place in the department seminar room, D4.2.008.

Doctoral Comittee:Ingrid Kubin (WU), Martin Halla (WU), Helmut Rainer (LMU&Ifo).

Welcome to our new PhD Candidates!
Photo of new PhD Candidates 2023

Sept. 2023:  Four new PhD students joined us in the academic year 23/24.

We are happy to welcome Raphael Gottweis, Mara Kritzinger, Matthias Hochholzer and Michael Keinprecht (pictured left to right) to our PhD Economics Program.

Defensio Dissertationis of Philipp Poyntner
Philipp Poyntner

Sept. 2023 - Our PhD Candidate Philipp Poyntner will present his research on the topic „Essays on monetary policy” on Monday, September 18, 2023 at 2:30pm. The presentation will take place in the department seminar room, D4.2.008.

Doctoral Comittee: Harald Badinger (WU), Harald Oberhofer (WU), Andrea Weber (CEU).

June 2023:

Our PhD candidates Nikolas Kuschnig and Lukas Vashold co-authored the article "Eroding resilience of deforestation interventions – evidence from Brazil’s lost decade" in Environmental Research Letters (Open Access via doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/acdfe7) with colleagues at the University of Oxford.

The paper assesses the erosion of deforestation interventions in Brazil, and how this lack of resilience impacts deforestation. Employing econometric methods and newly compiled data on environmental fines, they show that the enforcement of environmental policy has become ineffective in recent years. The impacts of this erosion are considerable – a hypothetical policy that doubles fines in 2020 (to 3,792) would lose out on 251,781 ha of prevented forest loss due to the drop in enforcement efficacy.

The authors conclude that, going forward, the resilience of policies should be considered for sustainable forest protection. Future efforts should be devoted to strengthening institutions, spreading responsibilities, and redistributing the common value of the Amazon via incentive-based systems – committing locals to its protection.

Deforestation Map

Forests and forest loss around São Félix do Xingu and the BR-163 highway

© Kuschnig et al.
February 2023:

PhD candidate Philipp Poyntner co-authored the article "Quantitative Easing and Wealth Inequality: The asset price channel", which was recently published in the Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics (Open Acces via https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/obes.12543). In the paper, the authors assess the impact of the ECB's quantitative easing (QE) on the distribution of household wealth in the euro area.

December 2022:
PhD Kinnl and Wohak at EU Parliament

Our PhD Candidates Klara Kinnl and Ulrich Wohak were invited by the FEMM Committee of the European Parliament to present their research “Free the Period? Evaluating Tampon Tax Reforms using Transaction Based Scanner Data” at a Workshop on Menstrual Poverty.

Link to workshop 

December 2022:

The World Data Lab (WDL) announced the launch of the World Emissions Clock (WEC) on the margins of the UN Climate Conference (COP27) in Egypt on November 18th 2022. PhD candidate Lukas Vashold has played a leading role in the development of the statistical model and the data work behind the WEC.

In the scientific paper underlying parts of the WEC, Lukas Vashold and co-author Univ.Prof. Jesús Crespo Cuaresma develop a novel statistical methodology to project sectorally disaggregated greenhouse gas emissions, building on Bayesian econometric methods. Using this unified modelling framework, they derive business-as-usual projections of GHG emissions up to the year 2050 for most countries of the world and five sectors: energy production, transportation, industry, buildings, and agriculture. The probabilistic nature of their approach allows for straightforward uncertainty quantification, while also ensuring that the projections are coherent with medium and long-term forecasts of socioeconomic variables, as well as with the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. The derived projections show that global GHG emissions are set to increase strongly in the next decades under business-as-usual, but also highlight a number of important differences across countries and sectors. The paper addresses the lack of comprehensive, sectorally disaggregated projections for GHG emissions and equips policy-makers with important information for the identification of sectors within countries critical for reducing future emissions.

Together with inputs from the International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis, the WEC provides an informative and user-friendly visualization platform that allows the user to understand the progress and possible challenges related to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions under different hypothetical scenarios. It was developed in partnership with the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany (BMZ), the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), the Patrick McGovern Foundation, and the University of Oxford.


World Emissions Clock

WU press statement

September 2022:
new Phd Students of the academic year 22/23

Welcome to our new PhD Students! Three new PhD students joined us in the academic year 22/23. We are happy to welcome Lucas Konrad, Anne Valder and Lukas Pirnbacher (pictured left to right) to our PhD Economics Program.

July 2022:

PhD student Francesco Scarazzato together with co-authors Nicolas Koch, Nolan Ritter and Alexander Rohlf published a new paper titled "When is the electric vehicle market self-sustaining? Evidence from Norway"

This paper investigates whether the world’s most mature electric vehicle (EV) market in Norway has overcome critical mass constraints and can achieve sustainable long-term equilibria without subsidies. The authors estimate a structural model that allows for multiple equilibria emerging from the interdependence between EV demand and charging station supply. They first estimate the resulting indirect network effects using an instrumental variable approach. Then, they simulate long-term market outcomes for each of the 422 Norwegian municipalities. They find that almost 20% of all municipalities faced critical mass constraints in the earliest stage of the market. Half of them are effectively trapped in a zero-adoption equilibrium. However, in the maturing market, all municipalities have passed critical mass. Overall, about 60% of the Norwegian population now lives in municipalities with a high-adoption equilibrium, even if subsidies were removed. This suggests that critical mass constraints do no longer justify the provision of subsidies

When is the electric vehicle market self-sustaining? Evidence from Norway"