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New Master's program "Business Communication"

In the new Master’s Program in Business Communication (BizComm), students learn how to plan, design, and manage communications and how to use strategic communication to achieve business goals. The…

New Publication in Agile Content Management

Univ.Prof. Dr. Jens Seiffert-Brockmann has published the article "Agile Content Management: Strategic Communication in Corporate Newsrooms" in the International Journal of Strategic Communication…

Linguistikzirkel - Research Talk with Timothy Coombs, 5. May 2021

Prof. W. Timothy Coombs (PhD) on "Understanding “Bad Choices” in Crisis Communication: A Behavioral Crisis Communication Approach"

New Publication on ‘Sorry’ in Customer Communication

Dr. Ursula Lutzky has published the article "You keep saying you are sorry". Exploring the use of sorry in customer communication on Twitter" in Discourse, Context & Media Volume 39, 2021. It was…

New Publication in Gamification in Employee Communication

Univ.Prof. Dr. Jens Seiffert-Brockmann has published an article in Handbuch Mitarbeiterkommunikation (Springer Verlag) on the topic "Gamification in Employee Communication". You can read the full…

English Research Seminar 27.01.2021

‘EMEMUS online’: what does internationalised higher education look like on a university website? Ute Smit, University of Vienna - Date & time: Jan. 27, 2021 - Online

WU Matters. WU Talks with Univ.Prof. Jens Seiffert-Brockmann - 20.01.2021

Univ.Prof. Jens Seiffert-Brockmann on Fake News

English Research Seminar 29.10.2019

Vortrag: Dr Andrew Kehoe, Birmingham City University, UK: “All our items are pre-owned and may have musty odor”: Using automated linguistic analysis techniques to study e-commerce data Zeit:…

English Research Seminar 18.06.2019

Lecture: Prof. Andrea Whittle (Newcastle University Business School) "Consequential categories: How categories in interaction work to get work done" Time: Tuesday 18.06.19, 18:15 – 19:45; …

English Research Seminar 17.05.2019

Lecture: Robert Gibson ( freelance, responsible for Intercultural Training at Siemens AG until 2018) "Navigation cultures in a VUCA world" Time: 17.05.2019 Place: WU, Building D2, Entrance D, 2nd…