[Translate to English:] Institute for Accounting & Auditing

Admission Process

Further Information about the admission

The SBWL International Accounting & Controlling has a total capacity of 180 students each academic year.


108 Students Bachelorprogram WISO/WIRE
12 Students Bachelorprogram Business & Economics


54 Students Bachelorprogram WISO/WIRE
6 Students Bachelorprogram Business & Economics

Admission WISO/WIRE Students

If the number of interested students exceeds the available capacity in a given semester, the students will be ranked by their grade from the new course "Annual Financial Statements and Financial Reporting". Besides the course AMC I and AMC II are still accepted and added to the ranking. The available places will be divided equally between students on the old and new curricula. Should the average grade of these courses not lead to any clear assignment (in the case that more students have the same average grade), an additional criterion will be taken into account (if required, the total average grade) in order to determine the ranking.

Admission BBE Students

If the number of interested students exceeds the available capacity in a given semester, the students will be ranked by their average grade from the course Financial Reporting & Analysis and their admission will be based on their rankings. Should the average grade of the course not lead to any clear assignment (in the case that more students have the same average grade), an additional criterion will be taken into account in order to determine the ranking.

Further information

This admission process takes place prior to the beginning of the semester, so that interested students are timely, and at the latest before the start of the courses, informed about their admission into the SBWL.

Please note that we cannot accept any applications after the registration deadline.

All of the admitted students will be informed about their admission via email not later than in two weeks after the registration deadline. The admission is only valid in case you have received an email from us, a mere LPIS registration is no valid confirmation of admission. The admitted students can then register for the Course I via LPIS. The admission is only valid in the semester of the registration. Attending Course I in a later semester is not possible.

Attendance in Course I: Please note that after being admitted to the SBWL the attendance in the first unit of Course I is mandatory for all students! Admitted students who are not present in the first unit will be deregistered by us and replaced by students from the waiting list.

Further information about the LPIS registration

Further information about the admission and the LPIS registration: https://www.wu.ac.at/studierende/mein-studium/bachelorguide/sbwl-2/