Archiv News EMCEERSS

Master Class CEE Insight Talks

In Jannuary we had our Master Class CEE INSIGHT TALKS. The “Insight Talks” provide an informal discussion platform with corporate partners of the Master Class CEE and other guests on the topic of the…

Vom Afrikagipfel zur neuen Partnerschaft

Über Perspektiven einer verstärkten wirtschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit mit Afrika, den potenziellen Beitrag heimischer Unternehmen sowie Nachholbedarf in Sachen Kommunikation und Koordination diskutieren…

11th Grow East Congress 2020 - Rückblick

Am 27. November 2020 fand der 11. Grow East Congress erstmals im virtuellen Format statt. Dabei beschäftigten wir uns mit der Frage, wie die Unternehmen in den mittel- und osteuropäischen Ländern…

The impact of management quality on firms‘ innovation and productivity in Russia - Review

The webinar cooperation between the Higher School of Economics Moscow and WU Vienna “Emerging Market Talks” series themed “The impact of management quality on firms‘ innovation and productivity in…

Master Class CEE 2020/21

23 students from 9 different countries had a successful virtual start of the new Master Class CEE 2020/21. Welcome!

Steering international firms through the coronavirus crisis - Review

The panel discussion centered on the question how multinational companies have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and how they have responded to it.

Business in CEE in times of the Covid-19 pandemic - Review

This online panel discussion centered on the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on businesses in CEE, mainly the EU-CEE11, measures taken by the management in response and the outlook on future…

New case study by Arnold Schuh and Daniela Huber: Apple Inc.’s dilemma: Relocating global supply chains out of China

The case describes the impact of the US-China trade war on Apple Inc.’s operations in China.

"Those were the days: A field trip to Budapest, the vibrant heart of Hungary"

"To investigate current management challenges, the students of this year’s Master Class CEE conducted their first field trip to the shining city of Budapest in February 2020. We visited companies and…

Die "Osteuropa-Versteher"

Ein NZZ-Artikel geht der Frage nach, warum österreichische Manager in CEE besser ankommen als deutsche. Und beschreibt den österreichischen Weg u.a. als "Management by Kaffeehaus".