Archiv News EMCEERSS

"Candidate-driven job markets: How to match employers’ and candidates’ expectations" - Review

The aim of this panel was to discuss current developments in the job markets for university graduates in Central Europe. The shift to a candidate-driven market is putting pressure on employers. How do…

Thammasat Business School at WU

The field trip to Germany and Austria of the Thammasat Business School from Bangkok led the group also to WU. The 40 young executives of the “Global Mini MBA” discussed with Arnold Schuh “Innovation…

The Master Class CEE is “on the road” again

After the coronavirus stopped our travelling for two years, we resumed with the MC CEE 2022-23 our classic format including two field trips to cities in CEE. The first of our 4-day field trips led 23…

Hohe Energiekosten: Wandert jetzt unsere Industrie ab?

Arnold Schuh im Interview mit dem Kurier.

Master Class CEE Insight Talks

The “Insight Talks” provide an informal discussion platform with corporate partners of the Master Class CEE and other guests on the topic of the research seminar. Executives of three multinational…

"Innovative Africa” - Review

In previous panels the “doing business in Africa” approach, a pronounced “outside-in” perspective was guiding our discussions. This time we wanted to learn more about the local view. The aim of this…

Mittel- und Osteuropa droht die Deindustrialisierung

Die hohen Energiekosten werden die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit noch lange beeinträchtigen, meint Ökonom Arnold Schuh. Welche Länder besonders betroffen sind.

Der Grow East Congress 2022 im Rückblick

Am 21. November 2022 fand der 13. Grow East Congress zum Thema „Doing Business in Central and Eastern Europe in uncertain times“ statt und zwar in einem hybriden Format, d.h. die Vorträge und…

CEE: Potenziale zwischen Krieg und Inflation

Der 13. Grow East Congress widmete sich dieses Jahr dem Thema „Unternehmensführung in Mittel- und Osteuropa in unsicheren Zeiten“.

„Innovation in International Business”

The Competence Center for Emerging Markets & CEE would like to invite you to an online book presentation "Innovation in International Business” on December 1, 18:00 - 19:30.