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Article "Deep Impact: Geo-Simulations as a Policy Toolkit for Natural Disasters" by Asjad Naqvi out in Journal "World Development"

The article on "Deep Impact: Geo-Simulations as a Policy Toolkit for Natural Disasters" has been published in the Journal World Development.  Asjad Naqvi, Research Area Leader for the Research Area…

A new article out on "Opportunities for knowledge co-production across the energy-food-water nexus" by Irene Monastero in the Journal "Environmental Science and Policy"

A new article on "Opportunities for knowledge co-production across the energy-food-water nexus: Making interdisciplinary approaches work for better climate decision making" has been published in the…

Interview mit Sigrid Stagl in "heute mittag" vom 2. Juni zu den wirtschaftlichen Folgen des Klimawandels

Auch in "heute mittag" in ORF 2 vom 2. Juni spricht Sigrid Stagl, Leiterin des Instituts for Ecological Economics, über die wirtschaftlichen Folgen des Klimawandels sowie die Rolle Österreichs in…

Sigrid Stagl: Österreichs Klimaschutz liegt auf Eis. Gastkommentar in der Wiener Zeitung

In einem Gastbeitrag in der Wiener Zeitung von 2. Juni 2017 kommt Sigrid Stagl, Leiterin des Instituts for Ecological Economics zum Thema Klimaschutz zu Wort. S. Stagl weist auf die negative…

Sigrid Stagl in Vox Pop- Das europäische Investitionsmagazin auf ARTE zum Thema Flughafenausbau

Sigrid Stagl, Leiterin des Instituts for Ecological Economics, diskutiert im europäischen Investitionsmagazin Vox Pop des deutsch-französischen Kultursenders ARTE über Klimagerechtigkeit und den…

Veranstaltung "Moving Forward - Ideas Towards a Sustainable Future" am Freitag den 2. Juni

Am Freitag, den 2. Juni fand die Veranstaltung "Moving Forward - Ideas Towards a Sustainable Future" an der WU statt. Sigrid Stagl, Leiterin des Instituts for Ecological Ecomomics, diskutierte an…

Next EcolEcon Seminar on "Human flourishing within planetary boundaries " by Sigrid Stagl on 13th June from 1 - 2 pm

The Seminar is focusing on Human flourishing within planetary boundaries. It is going to take place on Tuesday, 13th of June from 1 pm to 2 pm at the meeting room: D5.3.033. Sigrid Stagl ist the Head…

Sigrid Stagl diskutiert in der Sendung "Report" vom 30.5. zu den Klimazielen

Sigrid Stagl, Leiterin des Instituts for Ecological Economics, war in der gestrigen Sendung des Report  in ORF 2 zu Gast um mit ÖVP-Verkehrssprecher Andreas Ottenschläger über die österreichischen…

Policy Paper out by E. Campiglio on "The climate impact of quantitative easing"

A Policy Paper has been published by Emanuele Campiglio, Ass. Professor at the Institute for Ecoligical Econimics and Research-Area Leader on Climate Economics and Finance, together with Sini…

New Publication by Petra Biberhofer in "Journal of Cleaner Producation"

From Petra Biberhofer, Research Associate at the Institute for Ecological Econimcs, working at the Research Area RCE-Vienna, a new Article has been published with the title: "Designing a…