Institute for Intercultural Communication (currently still Institute for Slavic Languages)RSS

Our institute’s mission is to empower individuals and organizations with the skills and insights needed to navigate the complexities of a globalized world through innovative teaching and high-quality research in intercultural communication. 

  • We educate future professionals to be able to succeed in culturally and linguistically diverse settings. 

  • We promote WU’s internationalization by providing courses that prepare students to navigate intercultural environments during their study experiences and internships abroad.

  • We engage in high-quality research, collaborate with experts from Austria and abroad, and publish in internationally recognized journals in the fields of culture, (applied) linguistics, strategic communication, and education. 

  • We are open to collaboration with organizations and strive to seek solutions to issues and challenges related to culturally and linguistically diverse workplaces, global remote collaboration, and organizational culture

The Institute is part of the Department of Business Communication.

Public Lecture: David Wei Dai

"What can we learn from using GenAI to teach intercultural professional communication? A call for Critical Interactional Competence"| David Wei DAI | 17:00, room D2.2.228

Public Lecture: Davina Vora

"Individual-level multiculturalism: What is it, how is it studied, and what are some directions for future research?"| Davina Vora | 17:00, room D2.2.228

Public Lecture: Dagmar Sieglová

"Critical Incidents in Intercultural Business Communication"| Dagmar Sieglová | 17:00, room D2.2.228

Lectures in Language, Culture and Communication 02.12.2024

„How multimodal situated practices contribute to goal-oriented multilingual encounters: insights from conversation analytic research” | Tuire Oittinen | 18:00, room D2.2.228

Lectures in Language, Culture and Communication 14.05.2024

Dominic Busch, Titel: „Post-humanist interculturality” | 14.05.2024, 18:00, Online