Außenansicht des D2 Gebäudes

Environmental Law Days 2023 discusses the new wave of environmental protest with Teresa Weber and Birgit Hollaus


Every year, the environmental law community meets at JKU Linz for the Environmental Law Days. 2023 was no exception.

Every year, the environmental law community meets at JKU Linz for the Environmental Law Days. 2023 was no exception. The Environmental Law Days 2023 took place from 20 to 21 September, in the course of which the Young Environmental Lawyers (Junge Umweltjurist:innen) explored the topic of “new environmental protests”. Teresa Weber and Birgit Hollaus identified challenges for and in public law that result from environmental protests as they have been observed in more recent years. As part of the podium, comprised of Daniela Ecker (JKU), Veronika Marhold (Ökobüro) und Lena Schilling (FFF), Birgit then discussed the necessity of dealing constructively with environmental protests and the extent to which the law as it stands permits that.

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