[Translate to English:] Institut für Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement

André Martinuzzi on the Podcast “RRI Explained”


Responsible innovation should be articulated in the language of businesses and present an attractive business case, suggests André Martinuzzi on the podcast "RRI Explained."

Successful companies are committed to sustainability and responsibility. While these themes are already established in areas such as controlling, operations, finance, and marketing, many companies find it challenging to integrate them into innovation and product development. The possible causes and potential solutions were the focus of a podcast episode in the "RRI Explained" series, featuring André Martinuzzi, the head of the Institute for Sustainability Management. "Of the approximately 400 EU-funded projects on 'Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI),' fewer than 20 have targeted companies. And even those projects rarely speak the language of businesses and top managers," André Martinuzzi notes in the podcast.

"Scientists working on RRI mostly collaborate with public organizations, funding agencies, and political decision-makers, and over the years, they have developed a type of language whose logic, narrative, and terms are quite far from those of businesses." To better integrate sustainability and responsibility into corporate innovation processes, the team of the EU project www.LIVING-INNOVATION.net developed a new narrative formulated in the language of businesses, presenting an attractive business case.

André Martinuzzi explains the benefits in the RRI Podcast: "We offer a new narrative for responsible innovation, building on corporate concepts like Open Innovation, CSR, and Systems Thinking, connecting corporate and societal benefits, and implementable through already established tools."

Click here for the full interview on YouTube.

Click here for a summary of the "New Narrative for Responsible Innovation"

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