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Archive StatmathRSS

Research Seminar - Andreas Löhne

We are pleased to announce the upcoming Research Seminar on Oktober 7, 2022.

Habiltiation lecture of Gertraud Malsiner-Walli

We are pleased to announce and invite you to the habiltiation lecture of Gertraud Malsiner-Walli on Friday, September 30, 2022, 13:30 pm, in room TC.4.05. Title: "Model-based clustering using…

Annual Workshop of the PhD Label Mathematics in Economics and Business

On September 26 & 27, the semester opening workshop of the PhD Label Mathematics in Economics and Business, organized by the Institute for Statistics and Mathematics, took place in and around Freigut…

WU Awards 2021 - Outstanding research and teaching achievements by WU students and faculty

Excellence in the Spotlight The WU Awards put the spotlight on teachers and researchers whose achievements during the past year helped strengthen WU’s reputation for excellence and develop…

Researcher of the Month - Birgit Rudloff, Institute for Statistics and Mathematics

The title Researcher of the Month is awarded every month as a special recognition and appreciation of the research achievements of the distinguished person.

Gregor Zens receives "Best Student/Postdoc Contributed Paper Award"

Gregor Zens, Institute for Statistics and Mathematics, was awarded one of 21 "Best Student/Postdoc Contributed Paper Award" at the 2021 ISBA World Conference.

Successful application for FWF's 1000 ideas program

Laura Vana Gür´s (Institute for Statistics and Mathematics) project, which deals with spotting gender bias in children’s books, was selected as one of two successful WU projects for funding in FWF´s…

Gabriela Kováčová & Birgit Rudloff (StatMath) – Publication in the A+ journal Operations Research

The paper “Time consistency of the mean-risk problem” by Gabriela Kováčová and Birgit Rudloff was published in the A+ journal Operations Research. Congratulations!

Jana Hlavinová and Gabriela Kováčová won SIAM-FME Conference Paper Prize

Both first prizes of the SIAM-FME Conference Paper Prize went to the Institute for Statistics and Mathematics! Jana Hlavinová won with her paper: T. Fissler, R. Frongillo, J. Hlavinová, B. Rudloff…

postponement - WU matters. WU talks. - „Corona und die Frauen“

The Department of Finance, Accounting and Statistics hosts a lecture evening in the series "WU matters. WU talks"