Griesser, Markus

Mag. Dr. Griesser, Markus

Mag. Dr. Griesser, Markus

Project Staff FWF-Project "New Charity Economy and Affective Statehood"

Markus Griesser joined the Institute for Sociology and Social Research at WU Vienna in 2023 as Postdoc and Principal Investigator of the research project “New Charity Economy Through the Lens of Affective Statehood” (together with Brigitte Bargetz). He is also a lecturer in Social Policy at the University of Applied Sciences – FH Campus Wien. 

Research Interests

  • Transformations of the Welfare State 

  • Labour Market Policy and Social Policy 

  • Social Movements

  • Interpretive Policy Analysis

  • Qualitative Research Methods

Short Biography

Before joining the WU, Markus Griesser worked as a project researcher at the University of Vienna (Department of Political Science), at the Johannes-Kepler-University Linz (Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy), at the TU Vienna (Department of Public Finance and Infrastructure Policy) and at the University of Innsbruck (Department of Education). Moreover, he worked as a lecturer at different Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences.
He received a Doctoral Degree from the Department of Political Science at the University of Vienna (2010). Before that, he studied Political Science and Educational Science at the University of Innsbruck, at FU Berlin and at the University of Vienna.


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