Außenansicht des D2 Gebäudes

Entry Exam


The IMM Entry Exam is compulsory for all students wanting to study the IMM specialization, starting with our 2 core courses

1. Foundations in International Marketing Management

2. Applications in International Marketing Management 

Please be aware that one of the requirements needed in order to register for the entry exam is that you already have completed the basic Marketing Course (please upload a copy of your Sammelzeugnis on LEARN by September 10th 2024, 8:00 am at the latest - just for BaWiSo and BA WiRe students).

Please be aware that this requirement does not apply to BBE students.

For a complete list of requirements please see the following link.

Please also note that you cannot start the IMM specialization if you have not successfully passed the entry exam.

Date, time and place of the next entry exam: Tuesday, 10th September 2024, 9:30 am – 10:15 am, ONLINE. 

Please register for the entry exam via course number 0859. You can register for the entry exam via the web for the course "Access to Specialization: International Marketing Management"- #0859, from 29th August to 5th September, 2024. Please register for this course only!

For any questions please contact

Content of the Entry Exam

The entry exam consists of two sections: (1) Marketing Basics and (2) specific topics on International Marketing Management based on the referenced articles.

(1) Marketing Basics

For the Marketing Basics we recommend the following reading material:

Kotler, Keller & Chernev (2022): Marketing Management, Global Edition, 16/E • Pearson 

If there are no more copies of this book available in the WU library, then you can also use another edition of this book but please note that the chapter titles in other editions may be numbered differently, so please take this into account when learning for the exam. 

The following list of topics should help you to focus on the most important concepts and models in marketing and to give you some orientation on what to prepare for the entry exam:

  • Marketing Planning and Management (Chapter 2)

  • Analyzing Consumer Markets (Chapter 3)

  • Conducting Marketing Research (Chapter 5)

  • Identifying Market Segments and Target Customers (Chapter 6)

  • Designing and Managing Products (Chapter 8)

  • Managing Pricing and Sales Promotions (Chapter 11)

  • Designing an Integrated Marketing Campaign in the Digital Age (Chapter 13)

  • Tapping into Global Markets (Chapter 20).

Please note that all information is subject to change.

(2) Specific articles on International Marketing Management

The required specific articles for the WS 2024/25 entry exam are:

  • Villena, V. H., & Gioia, D. A. (2020). A More Sustainable Supply Chain. Harvard Business Review98(2), 84–93.

  • Atasu, A., Dumas, C., & Wassenhove, L. N. V. (2021). The Circular Business Model. Harvard Business Review99(4), 72–81.

  • Fantini, F., & Narayandas, D. (2023). Analytics for Marketers. Harvard Business Review101(3), 82–91.

  • Caprioli, S., Fuchs, C., & Van den Bergh, B. (2024). Research: Why People Really Buy Upcycled Products. Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, 1–6

  • Dalsace, F., & Challagalla, G. (2024). How to Market Sustainable Products. Harvard Business Review102(2), 80–87.

  • Narayandas, D., & Sengupta, A. (2023). Using AI to Adjust Your Marketing and Sales in a Volatile World. Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, 1–9.

All of the articles are accessible via WU network using the database EBSCO Business Source Premier. More info on the access information can be found here

Additional information for the Entry Exam

  • The exam is made up of single-choice questions 

  • The language of the exam is English