Die Stiege zum ersten Obergeschoss des D3 Gebäudes.

Institute for Strategy and Managerial AccountingRSS

De­part­ment of Stra­tegy and In­nov­a­tion


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BBE Application SS 2025

... is open from 30.01. - 05.02.2025, we're looking forward to your application

[Translate to English:] Kaplan Audience

Robert S. Kaplan gave a talk

Professor Robert Kaplan, Harvard Business School, gave a talk on “Implementing Sustainability Strategies” at WU on December 1, 2023

[Translate to English:] Kaplan

Robert S. Kaplan at WU

Professor Robert Kaplan, Harvard Business School, will give a talk on “Implementing Sustainability Strategies” at WU, Learning and Library Center (LC), Festsaal, on December 1, 2023, 9:00-11:00.

[Translate to English:] welcstud

BBE selection WS 2023/24

The selection process for our Specialization (BBE & SBWL) has been completed and what happens now?

[Translate to English:] LoungeTeaser

IfU Lounge

We like to introduce: IfU Lounge

[Translate to English:] Anja Teaser

Welcome Anja Pichler

Since 1. August our team has grown by a further colleague.

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BBE Application WS 2023/24

... is open from 23. - 30.08.2023, we're looking forward to your application

[Translate to English:] AUATeaser

Project Course SS 2023

This semester we were able to win Austrian Airlines as our project partner.

[Translate to English:] TB Teaser

TB 2023

The Controller Institute & we organize the Thought Bridge with the aim to connect science and practice.

[Translate to English:] ERMAC2022

That was ERMAC 2023

Many thanks to all participants & coaches for an inspiring & creative conference. We hope to see you again next year!

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