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WU Best Paper Award 2021

Rüdiger Frey, Kevin Kurt und Camilla Damian, Institute for Statistics and Mathematics, have been awarded the WU City of Vienna Best Paper Award 2021.

Ars docendi for Michaela Nettekoven, Maria Krakovsky and Lukas Kowarsch

To honor excellent university teachers for their achievements, the Ars docendi award was established in 2013.

Alberto Rossi is the Engelbert-Dockner-Fellow at the Research Institute for Capital Market Research (ISK)

We are pleased to welcome Alberto Rossi, the Engelbert-Dockner-Fellow at the Research Institute for Capital Market Research (ISK). Professor Rossi will visit WU from September 26 to November 5.

Gregor Zens receives "Best Student/Postdoc Contributed Paper Award".

Gregor Zens, Institute for Statistics and Mathematics, was awarded one of 21 "Best Student/Postdoc Contributed Paper Award" at the 2021 ISBA World Conference.

Semyon Malamud is the Engelbert-Dockner-Fellow at the Research Institute for Capital Market Research (ISK)

We are pleased to welcome Semyon Malamud, the Engelbert-Dockner-Fellow at the Research Institute for Capital Market Research (ISK). Professor Malamud will visit WU from August 8 to September 5.

Successful application for FWF's 1000 ideas program

Laura Vana Gür´s (Institute for Statistics and Mathematics) project, which deals with spotting gender bias in children’s books, was selected as one of two successful WU projects for funding in FWF´s…

Christian Wagner (FBI) – Paper accepted for publication by the Journal of Finance

Congratulations to our faculty member Christian Wagner! His paper “Debt refinancing and equity returns” has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Finance.   Paper: 'Debt refinancing and…

Josef Zechner as Distinguished Speaker at the Annual Conference of the Western Finance Association

Josef Zechner will deliver the Distinguished Speech at the 56th Annual Conference of the Western Finance Association on June 17. Congratulations!

Jana Hlavinová and Gabriela Kováčová won SIAM-FME Conference Paper Prize

Both first prizes of the SIAM-FME Conference Paper Prize went to the Institute for Statistics and Mathematics! Jana Hlavinová won with her paper: T. Fissler, R. Frongillo, J. Hlavinová, B. Rudloff…

Gabriela Kováčová & Birgit Rudloff (StatMath) – Publication in the (A+) journal Operations Research

The paper “Time consistency of the mean-risk problem” by Gabriela Kováčová and Birgit Rudloff was published in the A+ journal Operations Research.  Congratulations!