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Contributions for E-Democracy Book wanted!


Call for ContributionsE-Democracy: Technology, Law and PoliticsReport of the working group E-DemocracyForum e-government of the Austrian Computer Society (OCG)

Content: Numerous applications use the Internet for business and administrative transactions. The question remains, however, how the Internet can be used for the support of democratic decision making and citizen participation („e-democracy“). In order to achieve this, technical challenges have to be solved; however, also legal and political aspects have to addressed.

The OCG working group e-democracy was founded in autumn 2002 and addresses e-democracy in its entirety. The aim of this proceedings volume is to summarize the current state of the discussion not only in Austria, but also on the development of e-democracy on an international scale.

This call for contributions addresses mainly the presenters in the course of the working group but contributions from all researchers and practitioners in the field of e-democracy are welcome. Contributions may specialize in the fields of IT-related issues, legal, political or sociological aspects of e-democracy. Both theoretical research, comparative studies and case study reports are welcome.

Publication: The volume will be published in the series OCG/ Forum e-Government.

Editors: Prof. Alexander Prosser, Mag. Robert Krimmer
The members of the working group serve as review board.
Language of contributions: German or English

Kind of contribution: Either a Full Paper (4.-5.000 words) or a Short Note (1.500 words) shall be submitted.

Important Dates:

  1. 31st July 2003: Deadline for submitting extended abstracts (500 words)

  2. 20th August 2003: Author Notification of Acceptance

  3. 30th September 2003: Submission of camera-ready papers

The proceedings volume will be presented during the OCG AT21 conference in Vienna (18. November 2003) and Graz (4. December 2003) to the general public (AT21 dates are subject to change).

Submission of Contributions:
Please send us your contribution until July, 31st 2003 via e-Mail to the address Please add the subject "e-democracy contribution". We accept contributions in MS Word or Adobe PDF format. Don't forget to add your contact details in the e-mail rather than in the contribution itself (it ensures easier review preparations).

Original publishing date: 25.6.2003 (was imported from the old site)


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