Archive News EMCEERSS

New Publication

Integrating distance research with the behavioral strategy literature on MNC headquarters-subsidiary relations, this paper explores how the distance between headquarters and subsidiaries relates to…

McKinsey Global Institute: How to counter three threats to growth in Latin America

Declining fertility rates, the end of the commodity-price boom, and risk of increased protectionism threaten Latin America's growth performance.

Invitation to panel discussion: “US Tax Reform: Realizing the Dream or Europe’s Worst Nightmare!”

Bob Stack (Former Deputy Assistant Secretary, International Tax Affairs, U.S. Department of the Treasury) will be participating in a panel debate on the 30th of March at WU.

New Publication

The number of small and medium sized companies from European emerging markets that "go international" is increasing. WU researcher Dikova co-autors a study on the success factors of these first-time…

McKinsey Quarterly (Jan. 2017): Leading a corporate transformation in Southeastern Europe

Lessons from Hrvatski Telekom’s CEO, Davor Tomašković, who has done this three times in the past dozen years in Croatia.

Harvard Business Review (Jan. 2017): Africa’s New Generation of Innovators

For years now, business leaders and investors from around the world have waited for the Africa Rising narrative to shift from promise to reality.

Harvard Business Review (Dec. 2016): Mapping Frontier Economies

Global players in search of double-digit growth are running out of opportunities. Emerging-market giants such as Brazil, Russia, and China are experiencing an economic slowdown. They are increasingly…

Lions on the move II: Realizing the potential of Africa’s economies

McKinsey Global Institute (September 2016)