Archive News EMCEERSS

How corporate headquarters add value in the digital age

New article by IIB’s Jan Schmitt, Benoit Decreton, and Phillip Nell in “Journal of Organization Design”!

Der Grow East Congress 2019 im Rückblick (in German)

Von neuen Narrativen für die EU bis zu „Invented in CEE“

Serbia - a magnet attracting investment from East & West / Review

We have provided for you a short summary of the most interesting questions and answers.

Festo Fellowship

We are proud to announce that our Competence Center members Prof. Phillip C. Nell and Jelena Cerar received Festo Fellowship for a research project focusing on management practices of manufacturing…

Annual Report 2018

We look back at a year that included great events and advancements in our mission of promoting emerging market and CEE topics. We thank all the people who supported us in our achievements.

Lenovo-IBM: Becoming a Global Leader; Günter K. Stahl, Andras Lengyel

This case completes the trilogy and attempts to answer the open questions raised in the A and B Cases.

Lenovo-IBM: Integration Challenges; Günter K. Stahl, Kathrin Köster

The focus of this case lies in the post-merger integration issues that Lenovo had to master in order to extract full value as well as synergies from its acquisition.

Lenovo-IBM: An Audacious Deal; Günter K. Stahl, Kathrin Köster

The case describes the audacious acquisition of an American icon, IBM, by a Chinese computer manufacturer, Lenovo. The time frame spans from the pre-merger time until a few months after the IBM deal.

Die Forschung zum Wirtschaftsraum Mittel- und Osteuropa: Welche Rolle spielt die regionale Perspektive für die Unternehmensführung?

Spielt Regionalisierung noch eine Rolle im globalen Management? Arnold Schuh, der Direktor des Centers, argumentiert am Beispiel CEE, dass die Beschäftigung mit regionalen Charakteristika sinnvoll…

Avoiding the Pitfalls of Responsible Leadership

We are happy to share that the new article Avoiding the pitfalls of responsible leadership, written by our associated researcher, Dr. Christof Miska, and his co-authors will be published in Tsinghua…