[Translate to English:] Institut für Kommunikationsmanagement und Medien

Bachelor's Thesis

Bachelor’s Thesis

We welcome undergraduate students from all WU degree programs to write their bachelor’s theses at the Institute for Communication Management and Media. We offer a range of topics in the fields of business communication, strategic communication, and communication management that you can explore in your projects. You will be supervised by an experienced member of staff from the institute, who will guide you through the process of composing a thesis and provide assistance with regard to academic concerns along the way.

In order to write your bachelor’s thesis at our institute, you should meet the following requirements:

  • You need to attend or have already passed the course on basic academic writing ("Grundlagen des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens"), preferably at our Department – essential.

  • Additionally, you should demonstrate a high level of language competence in English (as evidenced, for example, by good grades on your EBC classes) – should you decide to write your bachelor’s thesis in English.

If you are interested in writing your bachelor’s thesis at our institute, we encourage you to get in touch by sending an e-mail to jens.seiffert-brockmann@wu.ac.at. You can find a list of potential thesis supervisors and the respective topics on which they supervise Bachelor’s Theses below. You could also approach other faculty (not listed) with potential ideas for a thesis who could act as co-supervisors in conjunction with a main supervisor from the below list.

You can find a list of potential thesis supervisors and their respective topics of expertise below. You could also approach other faculty (not listed) with potential ideas for a thesis who could act as co-supervisors in conjunction with a main supervisor from the list below.

After making contact, you will then make further arrangements with your supervisor. This will involve discussing possible topic ideas as well as specific requirements relating to the structure, approach or methodology used in your thesis. You will also have to prepare a proposal on your chosen topic and formulate a research question. The proposal should be no longer than two pages (A4, Times New Roman, font size 12, line spacing 1.5, recommended citations format: APA 7th version) and should entail: a short description of the issue or the topic; the possible research question; the proposed approach or method; and a rough overview of the literature on the topic. Only after your supervisor has approved the topic and proposal will you be given the go-ahead to write your thesis. In general, a bachelor’s thesis will consist of a body of around 8,000-10,000 words, plus a list of references/a bibliography.

Potential supervisors and their areas of supervision

If you are interested in writing your bachelor’s thesis at our institute, please send an e-mail to jens.seiffert-brockmann@wu.ac.at.

Prof. Jens Seiffert Brockmann

Dr. Andreas Enzminger

Potential areas of supervision

  • Corporate communication

  • Crisis communication  

  • Start-up-/SME communication

  • Non-profit communication

  • Strategic communication

  • Organizational communication

  • Financial communication/Investor relations

  • Political communication

  • Health(care) communication

  • Brand communication

  • CSR and sustainability communication

  • Reputation and trust

  • Communication campaigns 

  • Internal communication

  • (Strategic) Online communication

  • Misinformation/fake news in the digital arena/online 

  • Mobile communication 

  • PR research

  • Persuasion research 

  • Integrated communication management 

  • Change communication

  • Professional field communication 

  • Corporate storytelling

  • Corporate media/content strategies/content management 

  • Entertainment communication

  • Gamification

  • Other topic suggestions are welcome, subject to approval