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Media reports 

Publication by Christian Renelt

Good, better, tax loss carryback? - A simulation of the tax effects of the Austrian tax loss carryback, ÖStZ 11/2021, 312 ff. (in German)

Publication by Eva Eberhartinger and Maximilian Zieser

Eberhartinger, Eva, Zieser, Maximilian. 2021. The Effects of Cooperative Compliance on Firms’ Tax Risk, Tax Risk Management and Compliance Costs. Schmalenbach Journal Of Business Research.…

Publication by Sylvia Auer, Matthias Petutschnig and Kristin Resenig

Auer, Sylvia, Petutschnig, Matthias, Resenig, Kristin. 2021. Befreiungs­methode mit Progressions­vorbehalt auch im Quellenstaat? SWI - Steuer und Wirtschaft International. 31 (3), 116-126.

Publication by Eva Eberhartinger and Kristin Resenig

Eberhartinger, Eva, Resenig, Kristin. 2021. Und was kommt nach DAC 6? Der Wirtschaftstreuhänder (VWT). 1 53-58.

Study by Eva Eberhartinger and David Samuel in the media

The Bloomberg Daily Tax Report and the Wisconsin School of Business Forward Thinking Blog report on the study by Eva Eberhartinger and David Samuel on tax planning by state-owned enterprises.

Publication by Kristin Resenig and Markus Stefaner

Resenig, Kristin, Stefaner, Markus. 2021. Dividendenabgeltung oder Veräußerungserlös. taxlex. (2), 67.

Congratulations to Maximilian Zieser on his successful defensio dissertationis

We congratulate Maximilian Zieser on the successful defensio dissertationis in the Doctoral Program in International Business Taxation (DIBT).  Dissertation topic: "Trust, power and cooperation:…

Invitation to the Accounting Research Seminar: Prof. Johannes Voget

The Institute of Accounting & Auditing is pleased to invite you to its next research seminar on Thursday, January 28, 2021 from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM. The seminar takes place via Zoom. Meeting ID: 972…

Publication by Eva Eberhartinger and David Samuel

Eberhartinger, Eva, Samuel, David. 2020. Tax Avoidance of State-Owned Enterprises and What Policymakers Can Do About It. Tax Management International Journal. 50 (1), 49-50.

Publication by Gerald Kerbl, Alexander Albl and Bernhard Winkelbauer

Kerbl, Gerald, Albl, Alexander, Winkelbauer, Bernhard. 2020. Die Zinsschranke iSd § 12a KStG. Österreichische Steuerzeitung (ÖStZ). (24), 655-659.