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Media reports 

Publikation by Harald Amberger and Prof. Eberhartinger

Tax-Rate Biases in Tax Decisions: Experimental Evidence (JATA)

Publication by Prof. Matthias Petutschnig and Christian Renelt

A new (eco) investment allowance ante portas, taxlex 01/2022, 14 ff.

What will come after DAC 6?

Read Prof. Eberhartinger's answer on the WU homepage under the heading "Future perspectives after the Corona crisis".

Publication by Harald Amberger and Katrin Lackner

The Implementation of Public Country-by-Country Reporting by Credit Institutions: An Empirical Analysis, RWZ 2021/12, 379 ff.

Publication by Prof. Eva Eberhartinger und Katrin Lackner

Location Austria - Analysis of CbCR-data, SWI 2021, 610 ff. (in German)

Publication by Prof. Matthias Petutschnig and Christian Renelt

The (possible) discrepancy between the declining balance depreciation for tax purposes and the actual utilisation pattern (in German)

Congratulations to Raffael Speitmann on his successful defensio dissertationis

We congratulate Raffael Speitmann on his successful Defensio dissertationis about "Business Taxation: The Role of Trust, Transparency, and Reputation" within the Doctoral Program in International…

WU Award 2021 "Excellent Research" for Harald Amberger

Paper in Accounting Review 96 (4): "Repatriation Taxes, Internal Agency Conflicts, and Subsidiary-level investment Efficiency"

Honorary doctorate degree for Prof. Sureth-Sloane

We extend our warmest congratulations to Prof. Caren Sureth-Sloane. The University of Graz awarded her the Honorary Doctorate Degree to acknowledge her outstanding achievements in research and for…