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Media reports 

Determinants of voluntary tax disclosures and consequences for the value relevance of tax positions under IFRS

Presentation by Sylvia Auer at the Steuerlehretag 2023 in Innsbruck (Austria)

Corporate Tax System Complexity and Investment

Presentation by Ass.-Prof. Harald Amberger at the Illinois Tax Symposium

Public Access to Beneficial Ownership Registers: Tension between ECJ Case Law and Empirical Evidence

Publication by Harald Amberger and Paul Brezina in SWI 2023, 318

Harald Amberger receiving the venia docendi

Awarding ceremony with Prof. Wakolbinger (Head of the University Senate)

The future of Book-Tax Conformity: Book-Tax Conformity, the Pillars, and BEFIT

Presentation by Prof. Eberhartinger at the EATLP Congress in Luxembourg

Congratulations to Harald Amberger on his Habilitation lecture

"Ownership Transparency and Cross-border Investment"

Taxpayers' and Tax Auditors' Acceptance of Cooperative Automated Tax Audits

Presentation by Prof. Eberhartinger at the EAA 2023 in Helsinki

Ownership Transparency and Corss-border Investment

Presentation by Ass.Prof. Harald Amberger at the EAA 2023 in Helsinki

Turnover-based Corporate Income Taxation and Corporate Risk-Taking

Presentation by Fernando Siahaan at the EAA 2023 in Helsinki

Tax Offices Segmentation and Tax Avoidance in a developing country

Presentation by Agus Hidayat at the EAA 2023 in Helsinki