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Media reports 

Ass.Prof. Harald Amberger presenting on "Ownership Transparency and Cross-border Investment"

TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar of the University of Paderborn

Our Academic Report 2021-22 is available!

Activities, publications & more

Doctoral Program in International Business Taxation (DIBT)

Apply now until Feb 15, 2023

1st WU Vienna Tax Camp

moderated by Ass.-Prof. Harald Amberger

Ass.-Prof. Harald Amberger: Accepted paper by CAR (Contemporary Accounting Research)

Volatility of Tax Payments and Dividend Payouts

Prof. Eberhartinger presenting on "Pillar Two and the Accounting Standards"

International Tax Governance and Justice Workshop

Ass.-Prof. Harald Amberger presenting at VHB meeting

Autumn Meeting of VHB Business Taxation Committee at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Prof. Petutschnig as a discussant at VHB meeting

Autumn Meeting of VHB Business Taxation Committee at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen