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Congratulations to Harald Amberger on his Habilitation lecture

"Ownership Transparency and Cross-border Investment"

Life before and after PhD - how to develop your Academic Career

Prof. Eberhartinger as a Keynote Speaker at the Ghent Conference on International Taxation

Invitation to the public Habilitation Lecture of Harald Amberger

Mon, 5 June 2023 at 1 p.m. in room TC.3.01 and via MS Teams

1st WU Vienna Tax Camp

moderated by Ass.-Prof. Harald Amberger

Ass.-Prof. Harald Amberger presenting at VHB meeting

Autumn Meeting of VHB Business Taxation Committee at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Prof. Petutschnig as a discussant at VHB meeting

Autumn Meeting of VHB Business Taxation Committee at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Prof. Petutschnig at "WU matters. WU talks" (in German)

04/05/2022: The Global Minimum Tax - The End of Tax Dumping?

Presentation at VHB Conference by Tobias Bornemann on joint research project with Prof. Eberhartinger and Sylvia Auer.

Does fair value taxation affect banks investment portfolio and risk-taking?