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Wednesday, August 28
10:00–11:00PLENARY TALK
Peter Arkadiev
Typology and diachrony of ambifixes: some preliminary observations
11:00–11:30COFFEE BREAK
11:30–12:00Koch, Harold James
A diachronic pathway from nominal to verbal inflection: evidence from Australian languages
Herce, Borja
VeLePa: an inflected lexicon of Central Pame verbs
12:00–12:30Rhee, Seongha & Yae, Sunhee
Grammaticalization of fictive discourse to concessive in Korean
Mattiello, Elisa & Dressler, Wolfgang U.
Verb-Noun compounds vs. synthetic compounds in English,
German and Italian
12:30–13:00Igartua, Iván
The rise of multiple exponence in Basque: sources and mechanisms
Bouton, Jules & Bonami, Olivier
Overabundance and the PCFP
13:00–14:30LUNCH BREAK: Das Campus
14:30–15:00Lahiri, Aditi & Plank, Frans
The pertinacity of silent inflections
Zingler, Tim & Rogers, Phillip
The phonological length of affixes: a cross-linguistic investigation
15:00–15:30Authier, Gilles
Generalization of bipartite stems and internalization of inflection in Budugh (East Caucasian)
Schalchli, Gauvain
Is there a replication crisis in inflectional research? Evidence from database comparison and theoretical implications
15:30–16:00Maisak, Timur
Two (or three) ga- morphemes in Rutul: is it possible to find the grammaticalization source(s)?
Sims-Williams, Helen & Pasquereau, Jeremy & Baerman, Matthew
Feature reinterpretation as a source of morphomes: the case of scalar morphology in Seri
16:00–19:30WORKSHOP 1 (convenors: Grestenberger & Werner) “Adjectives, categorization and argument structure”
WORKSHOP 2 (convenors: Villalva, Pinto & Minussi) “Words in the mind: A workshop on experimental morphology”


Thursday, August 29
9:00–10:00PLENARY TALK
Claire Bowern
Phylogenetics and morphological reconstruction
10:00–10:30Kalivoda, Ágnes & Ackerman, Farrel & Malouf, Robert
The origin and development of Hungarian desiderative
Wild, Mario & Cristelli, Stefano
The distribution of the L+-U+-pattern in Italo-Romance:
history, geography, lexical distribution
10:30–11:00Enger, Hans-Olav
How new morphology can arise – without reanalysis
of morphology or syntax
Popova, Rita & Daniel, Michael
Small is big: on exceptional pluralization patterns in
property words
11:00–11:30COFFEE BREAK
11:30–12:00Brown, Hunter Lane & Hancock-Mac Tamhais, J. Drew
Fossilized incorporants in Northern Iroquoian
Haspelmath, Martin
A retro-definition of the term “word”
12:00–12:30Grestenberger, Laura & Werner, Martina & Anderson, Paige & Sichrovsky, Dorothea
From degree achievements to iterativity: evidence from
German(ic) -er verbs
12:30–13:00Stolz, Thomas & Levkovych, Nataliya
Now you’re down to the few… On residual gender and
number inflection of Welch adjectives
Pineau, Léa & Montermini, Fabio & Thuilier, Juliette
The identification and processing of neologisms: an
experimental approach to neological intuition in French
13:00–14:30LUNCH BREAK: Mensa
13:45–14:45GUIDED CAMPUS TOUR (if registered)
14:30–18:30WORKSHOP 1: “Adjectives, categorization and argument structure”
14:30–15:00Huber, Thomas C. & Ivani, Jessica K. & Bickel, Balthasar & Widmer, Paul
Presenting a new database of complex noun inflection paradigms
Laks, Lior
How does the plural of sushi differ from a sushi
place? Vowel deletion in inflection and derivation
of Hebrew loanwords
15:00–15:30Erschler, David
Circumfixal nominal number in Svan and the timing of
Varvara, Rossella & Huyghe, Richard
The linguistic factors of semantic transparency:
evidence from verb-to-noun derivation in French
15:30–16:00Konnerth, Linda
Polarity asymmetry in the diachronic development of
future tense constructions: evidence from southcentral
Cappellaro, Chiara & Maiden, Martin & Fritz, Isabell & Dumrukcic, Nina & Franzon, Francesca
The cognitive reality of morphomes: experimental evidence from Italian
16:00–16:30Mithun, Marianne
How fine are parallel principles governing morphology and
syntax? On the hunt for explanations of morpheme orders
Breimaier, Federica & Zanini, Chiara
The perception of the neuter vs masculine opposition in
16:00–19:00WORKSHOP 2: “Words in the mind: A workshop on experimental morphology”
16:30–17:00COFFEE BREAK
17:00–17:30Cser, András & Oszkó, Beatrix & Várnai, Zsuzsa
The role of analogy, stem-identity and directionality in
the emergence of Old Hungarian labial-harmonizing
Crysmann, Berthold & Laureau Unger, Baptiste
Pseudo Pāņinian splits
17:30–18:00Palágyi, László & Kalivoda, Ágnes
A corpus-based investigation of the unification of wordformation
schemas in Hungarian
Round, Erich & Beniamine, Sacha & Esher, Louise
How details of analogy shape inflectional
18:00–18:30Popova, Geri
Compositionality and idiomaticity in grammatical
constructions: a historical perspective
Boyé, Gilles
French special clitics and compound tenses: an
unexpected gap
Friday, August 30
9:00–10:00PLENARY TALK
Angela Ralli
In the shadow of optimisation: exploring change in compounding in a 3000 year-old language
10:00–10:30Hartmann, Stefan
Diachronic Construction Morphology: a survey of current
perspectives and challenges
Beniamine, Sacha & Coavoux, Maximin & Bonami, Olivier
Vlexique 2.0: a rich lexicon of French verbal inflection with
form-level frequencies
10:30–11:00Gaeta, Livio
Swinging between simplification and complexification:
morphologization as a repair strategy
Hopperdietzel, Jens
Change of state without morphology in Daakaka
11:00–11.30 Mattes, Veronika & Feichter, Anna-Lena & Höber, Hannah
Verb derivation in later L1-acquisition of German
11:30–12:00COFFEE BREAK
13:00–14:30LUNCH BREAK
14:30–15:00Heinemann, Sabine
The microclass andare, avere, dare, fare, sapere, stare:
allomorphy and analogy in ancient (and modern) Tuscan
Micheli, M. Silvia & Radimský, Jan & Štichauer, Pavel
Pattern rivalry in diachrony: a Google Books based
analysis of Italian subordinate NN compounds and their
(potential) syntagmatic NPN counterparts
15:00–15:30Pellegrini, Matteo & Herce, Borja & Beniamine, Sacha
The evolution of paradigms from Latin to Romance: a
quantitative approach
Chuprinko, Kirill & Slioussar, Natalia & Magomedova, Varvara
Only nominative is a good basis for analogy: a study of
indeclinable nouns in Russian
15:30–16:00Esher, Louise
A new history of velar preterite inflection in Occitan
Hoeksema, Jack
Possible words from possible rules: quotational compounds

Poster Session

Friday, August 30, 12:00–13:00


Alfieri, Luca
The lexicalization of the adjective class in the Indo-European family

Amiridze, Nino & Baratashvili, Zurab & Salia, Irakli
Plural suffix -eb as evaluative marking for single animate referents in Georgian

Badal, Manuel
The exaptation of the Latin affix -SC-: evidence from old Catalan verbal inflection

Baló, Márton A.
Overabundance in the nominal inflection of Romani as a result of a diachronic process

Bauer, Laurie
The Death of Compounds in Germanic

Belosevic, Milena
Creativity in the production of personal name blends

Bezzina, Raffaello
Word formation in Maltese: a detailed look at the loan derivational suffix -aġni

Bordag, Denisa & Opitz, Andreas & Berulava,  Hans-Georg
The role of morphosyntactic and conceptual feature properties in native and non-native processing and memory

Boyé, Gilles & Schalchli, Gauvain
The PCFP and the Zipfian frequency distribution: the median threshold hypothesis and French conjugation

Castagna, Giuliano & Al-Amri, Suhail
The Proto-Semitic feminine gender-marking morpheme *-ay and its outcome in Jibbali/Shehret and Soqotri

Chuprinko, Kirill & Slioussar, Natalia & Magomedova, Varvara
To inflect, or not to inflect, that is the question: an experiment with nonce nouns in Russian

Copot, Maria-Sorina & Sims, Andrea D.
A network-based configurational typology of inflectional irregularity

Craevschi, Alexandru & Babinski, Sarah & Cathcart, Chundra
Finding proportionality in computational approaches to morphological change

Fally, Irene & Goryczka, Pamela
Realization of Overabundance in Diachrony – Evidence from Italian verb morphology

Fevrier, Junior Pierre Eden
Derivational opacity of DE- prefixation in Haitian and Guadeloupean Creoles

Fritz, Isabella & Booth, Joshua & Lahiri, Aditi
Pertinacious influence of native metrical parameters on affixed Romance loans in German & English: diachronic and synchronic experimental evidence

Fukushima, Kazuhiko
The lexical hypothesis: Neither wrong nor superfluous

Galbraith, Drew & Williams, Peter & Christensen, Eric & Parker, Jeff
Geography’s Role in English Demonym Preferences

Gamboa Gonzalez, Omar
French nominalizations and the mass/count distinction

Gibert-Sotelo, Elisabeth & Pujol Payet, Isabel
A theoretical approach to historical morphology: The case of Spanish -izar verbs

Giudici, Alberto
From Verona to Istria: Inflectional classes in Venetian peripheral areas in diachrony and synchrony

Hübener, Carlotta J.
Morphologization in Word Formation: What Diachronic Data Tell us about the Relationship of Morphology and Syntax

Kaalep, Heiki-Jaan
Conjugations of the 17th century Northern Estonian vs modern Estonian

Korecky-Kröll, Katharina
German noun plurals and their explanatory power for morphological theories

Laks, Lior & Taha, Asma
Overabundance in instrument noun formation in Palestinian Arabic

Larsen, Kyra & Parker, Jeffrey & Hashimoto, Brett
Making 'sense’ of the interaction of affixal polysemy and productivity: A case study of English -PHOB

Le Donne, Mauro
A Constructionist Account of an Extragrammatical Process: Blending in Italian

Marescotti, Carolina & Grestenberger, Laura
From state to activity: The diachrony of Ancient Greek verbs in -eúō

Marinis, Michail I.
(Anti-)defectiveness in the inflectional paradigm(s) of Greek toponyms

Marqueta, Bárbara & Martin Vegas, Rosa Ana
The importance of being Ernie: Variation in hypocoristic formation strategies in Spanish as a function of Gender and Age

Remberger, Eva-Maria
From verbal from to discourse marker: Distributed morphology and grammaticalization

Schlechtweg, Marcel
Do native English listeners benefit from agreement in quiet and in noise?

Soares Rodrigues, Alexandra
A diachronic and cross-linguistic perspective on suffixes coming from the Latin -NTE

Štichauer, Pavel
A database of mixed perfective auxiliation systems in Italo-Romance: The ‘MIXPAR’ project

Tabachnick, Guy
Czech speakers productively apply correlations between inflected forms

Togano, Yuri & Nagano, Akiko
Prefixal rivalry between over- and out- in Modern English and its unique characteristics

Tribocka, Emilija
How morphology arises, even when there are ways not to

Van Marle, Jaap
Reinterpretation and re-analysis and their relevance for morphological theory

Villoing, Florence & Tribout, Delphine & Henri, Fabiola & Deglas, Maxime
How derivational morphology reveals the complex organization of the Verbal Morphology in Guadeloupean Creole

Wang, Yuxuan (Melody)
Number as Feature: evidence from Turkish -(s)l

Werner, Martina & Sichrovsky, Dorothea
A language change within relational adjectives in the history of German: a mixed-method approach