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Public Lecture: Kaisa Pietikäinen


"The interactional organization of language management in online team meetings"| Kaisa Pietikäinen | 17:00, room D2.2.228


 Multinational corporations (MNCs) are increasingly digitized, with teams often spread across different geographical locations. While adopting English as the corporate language might seem natural for MNCs, the actual sociolinguistic practices within them are often more complex and varied (Virkkula-Räisänen, 2010; Ehrenreich 2011; Cogo 2012). While previous research has shed some light on the use of English a lingua franca in online business meetings (Cogo 2012; Nielsen 2020) and how language change is managed in international meetings (Markaki Lothe et al., 2014), there is limited understanding on how team members navigate the choice between English and other accessible languages, and how the role of a language manager (Spolsky, 2009) emerges in interaction.

 This study scrutinizes 5 months’ worth of team meetings and Slack discussions from a team of project leaders at a multinational IT corporation headquartered in Finland. Using conversation analysis, it examines instances where a shift in the matrix language is discussed or identified as the appropriate next action.

The findings suggest that the unofficial team leader is also oriented to as the main language manager. However, in making language decisions, she employs considerable hedging and downgrading practices, indicating either a lack of conclusive orientation towards her own deontic status (Landmark et al., 2015) or a focus on rapport-building (Planken, 2005; Kankaanranta & Louhiala-Salminen, 2018). The necessary sequential location and effective strategy for suggesting language change are also discussed.


Dr. Kaisa S. Pietikäinen is Associate Professor at the Department of Professional and Intercultural Communication at NHH Norwegian School of Economics, where she teaches English for business and leadership communication. Her research interests include English as a lingua franca, conversation analysis, multilingualism, and pragmatics.


Cogo, A. 2012. ELF and super-diversity: a case study of ELF multilingual practices from a business context. Journal of English as a Lingua Franca, 1(2): 287-313. doi.org/10.1515/jelf-2012-0020

Ehrenreich, S.  2011. The dynamics of English as a lingua franca in international business: a language contact perspective. In: Archibald, A., Cogo, A. & Jenkins, J. (Eds.). Latest Trends in ELF Research. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars. pp. 11-34.

Kankaanranta, A. & Louhiala-Salminen, L. 2018. ELF in the domain of business – BELF. What does the B stand for? In: Jenkins, J., Baker, W. & Dewey, M. (Eds.). The Routledge Handbook of English as a Lingua Franca. London: Routledge. pp. 309-320.

Landmark, A.M.D., Guldbrandsen, P. & Svennevig, J. 2015. Whose decision? Negotiating epistemic and deontic rights in medical treatment decisions. Journal of Pragmatics 78: 54-69.

Markaki Lothe, V., Merlino, S., Mondada, L., Oloff, F. & Traverso, V. 2014. Language choice and participation management in international work meetings. In: Unger, J., Krzyzanowski M. & Wodak, R. (Eds.). Multilingual encounters in Europe's institutional spaces. London: Bloomsbury. pp. 43-74.

Planken, B. 2005. Managing rapport in lingua franca sales negotiations: A comparison of professional and aspiring negotiators. English for Specific Purposes 24(4): 381-400.

Spolsky, B. 2009. Language management. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Virkkula-Räisänen, T. 2010. Linguistic repertoires and semiotic resources in interaction. Journal of Business Communication 47(4): 505-531.

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