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Public Lecture: Franzisca Weder

"The Sustainability Story" | Univ.Prof. Dr. Franzisca Weder | We., 24-jan-2024, 18:00 | Library & Learning Center, Ceremonial Hall 1

Public Lecture: Alexandra Schwell

„Die Grenzen der Unsicherheit. Zu einer Kulturanalyse der Differenz” | Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alexandra Schwell | 18:00, room D2.2.228

Public Lecture: Sriramesh Krishnamurthy

"Reducing Ethnocentricity in the Public Relations Body of Knowledge: A Program of research" | Prof. Sriramesh Krishnamurthy | 17:00, room TC.5.04

Public Lecture: Luoma-aho Vilma

”Communication & Disinformation – 4 windows of attack” | Prof. Luoma-aho Vilma | 17:00, room D2.2.228

Public Lecture: Jeannette Littlemore

„Creative Metaphor and the Expression of Evaluation in Conversations About Work” | Prof. Jeannette Littlemore | 17:00, room D2.2.228

Public Lecture 17.10.2023

„The language of online complaints: characteristics and effect on readers” - D2.2.228 - 17.10.2023, 17:00

Workshop 13.06.2023

„What does ‘value’ really mean and to whom? Using tools of (corpus) linguistics to read and interpret meaning trajectories in business discourse” - D2.2.228 - 13.06.2023, 18:00

Public Lecture 12.06.2023

„Who shakes the trees and dives deep? Detecting bias in professional communication” - D2.2.228 - 12.06.2023, 18:00

Public Lecture 19.04.2023

„Exercising Global Leadership: A dynamic process approach.” - TC.5.27 - 19.04.2023, 17:00

Public Lecture 13.04.2023

Titel: "Patterns, tendencies and idiosyncratic habits in political language" - D2.2.228 - 13.04.2023, 17:00