[Translate to English:] Institute for Accounting & Auditing

Admission Process

The specialization Sustainability Reporting starts in the winter and summer semesters and has a capacity of 30 students per semester.

Students of the following Bachelor programmes can apply for the specialization:  

  • BaWiSo (Bachelor Business, Economics and Social Sciences): 

    • Specialization : BW, IBW 

    • Complementary course: VW, WINF, WUPOL 

  • BaWiRe (Bachelor Business Law): Specialization

  • BBE (Bachelor Business and Economics): Specialization

This admission process takes place prior to the beginning of the semester. 

Admission WISO/WIRE Students

If the number of interested students exceeds the available capacity of a semester, a ranking is made according to the grade from the course ‘Financial Statements and Company Reports’ (or from the courses AMC 1 and AMC 2). The available places are then allocated according to this ranking. If the grade from this course does not lead to a clear allocation, an additional criterion for determining the ranking will be used if necessary for those students with the same grade. 

Admission BBE Students 

If the number of interested students exceeds the available capacity of a semester, the ranking is based on the grade from the course ‘Financial Reporting & Analysis’. The available places are then allocated according to this ranking. If the grade from the course does not lead to a clear allocation, an additional criterion for determining the ranking will be used if necessary for those students with the same grade.