Applying for E&I
Places for the E&I specialization (E&I SBWL) are both limited and in high demand, so unfortunately not every student who applies will be accepted to the program. We select students who show the best fit for the Entrepreneurship and Innovation specialization since this allows us to guarantee them an optimal study environment.
Students need to apply to the Entrepreneurship and Innovation specialization. Once a student is accepted, our entire course catalog is accessible and there are no further hurdles to clear or prerequisites to meet (except for courses that are prerequisites for more advanced courses).
The general admission requirements from your curriculum are the prerequisites for getting into the E&I specialization (E&I SBWL).
As agreed with the Vice-Rector for Academic Programs and Student Affairs, the E&I specialization program (E&I SBWL) accepts 60 bachelor’s students per semester using a selection process designed with input from WU’s Student’s Union (ÖH). Students are selected based on the official WU student ranking or their E&I Skills Fit and current CV. Evaluating these criteria gives us a well-rounded picture of prospective students, as grades show a commitment to learning and the E&I Skills Fit in combination with students' CVs identifies extra-curricular entrepreneurial interests and skills.

The criteria are applied as follows:
WU Student Ranking: If your current grade point average puts you in the top 5% of your cohort (ranking: grades only), you will be automatically accepted into the E&I specialization. Just use the online application form to send us your GPA confirmation (during the application period) and you will be accepted. Please make sure that all required grades are listed in time in the ranking you submit to us. Please also remember to register for the “Access to Specialization in Business Administration: Entrepreneurship and Innovation” course on LPIS. Please note that the automatic acceptance is limited to a maximum of 40 spots. In case there are more applications from top 5% students than spots available, a ranking based on the GPA is applied. Furthermore, all applicants will be notified and encouraged to also apply via the skills entry mode.
Skills & CV: At least 20 spots are reserved for applicants with exceptional skills who are accepted to the program regardless of their GPA. Since we aim to equip our students with the knowledge and skills needed to be future entrepreneurs, we invest a lot of time in selecting the ones showing the greatest potential to thrive within our specialization. Therefore, we chose a skill assessment as part of our application process to learn more about our applicants and their past endeavors. Since we know entrepreneurship is not only about excellent grades, we encourage you to show us your organizational talent, your go-the-extra-mile attitude or your creative mind. Additionally, we ask you to upload your current CV. (Please note that the CV should not be used as your skill proof. We highly recommend that you use other supporting documents like reference letters, certificates, etc.)
How-to: Skills Fit form
To paint a clearer picture of the skills we are looking for and how you can proof that you already possess relevant skills, we herewith provide you with an example of how we expect you to fill out the skill assessment form:
Analytical Skills
“During my internship last summer at a financial consultancy firm, I created a comprehensive financial model to perform a sophisticated benchmark analysis of the Austrian Real Estate market. I am looking forward to utilize my newly gained analytical skills during one of the project courses at E&I. Attached you will find a reference letter from my supervisor as proof for the claimed skill.”
Furthermore, if you are unsure about which skills might be interesting to us, you can refer to the examples below as inspiration.
Academic Excellence: A good GPA shows a high degree of motivation, which is one kind of skills we are looking for. Even if you are not within the top 5% or have not been included into a student ranking yet, you can mention a good academic performance as one skill. Your high school academic performance (Matura or Abitur grades) in combination with a current WU transcript can be seen as an appropriate skill proof.
Communication: We would love to hear about how you co-authored your local school newspaper or the time you took at a rhetoric class.
Leadership: Ever led your competitive football team to victory as team-captain? Tell us more about it!
Teamwork: Let us know about the time when you were elected as school counselor and what you achieved with your team for your fellow students.
Entrepreneurial mindset: Already did an internship at a startup or even founded a company yourself? Tell us more about how you acquired funding and satisfied customers!
Read through the skills above carefully but treat them as examples only!
There are numerous other skills we are looking for. Just keep in mind: The skills you are telling us about should be relevant for the specialization Entrepreneurship & Innovation and for becoming a successful innovator, entrepreneur or consultant.
Be advised to attach a skill proof for each skill so we can retrace when and where you obtained your entrepreneurial skills. Please note that we are looking for solid proofs such as reference letters of all kind (in German or Englisch), credentials or awards rather than certificates of attendance and equivalents.
Please find below a list of steps for a successful application:
Please make sure that all required grades are listed in time in the ranking you submit to us, otherwise we cannot consider your application.
Still have questions?
Here you can find your answers:
FAQs below
Behind the scenes of E&I on Instagram
E&I specialization contact
Specialization fair ("SBWL Messe")